Description: This professional librarian position in Greensboro Public Library's Information Services section provides both: 1) traditional reference / information services, and 2) specialized assistance to both the business and non profit communities we serve. The business / non-profit specialist both sustains ongoing business / non-profit programs and services and develops new ones designed to assist business people and entrepreneurs in accessing the information they need to further economic development. The business / nonprofit specialist works with a very diverse clientele, including both external customers, such as local entrepreneurs, as well as internal customers, such as the City of Greensboro's MWBE and Office of Diversity and Inclusion, in order to facilitate economic development. Settings include one-on-one consultations, small and large group presentations, as well as educational seminars and programs.
Qualifications: Master's Degree with 1-3 years of experience providing reference services in a public library setting. Two years of experience coordinating adult programming in a library setting. Experience using Microsoft Office software.
Salary: $39,284 - $65,474