Resources and Research Guides Online Resources A list of online resources covering history, genealogy, statistics, geography, newspapers, periodicals, and more! Research Guides and Tools Get help with your research -- browse research guides by subject or watch one of our instructional videos or recorded presentations! Government Publications Tools to find state and federal government publications. Newspaper Articles Databases containing newspaper articles are listed here. NCpedia NCpedia is an online encyclopedia about North Carolina, managed by the Government and Heritage Library. ANCHOR ANCHOR: A North Carolina History Online Resource is an online textbook designed for grade 8 and up and covers all of North Carolina history. NC LIVE NC LIVE is NC’s statewide library cooperative, providing online resources designed for at-home use. NC Digital Collections 90,000 historic and recent photographs, state government publications, manuscripts, and other NC resources from the State Library and the State Archives of NC. Information for Researchers State Employees and Government Information Students and Educators Genealogy and Family History Digital Information Management