Hurricane Helene Update

Following Hurricane Helene, SLNC Accessible Books and Library Services (SLNC ABLS) staff continue to reach out to individuals affected by the storm and connect them with information compiled and aggregated by state agencies. For areas not receiving mail, shipments from SLNC ABLS have been temporarily deactivated until patrons let us know they were getting mail again. If you are an ABLS patron and able to receive mail, please call 1-888-388-2460 to resume regular library service.
SLNC Library Development staff are working with representatives from various organizations, including NC LIVE, North Carolina Library Association (NCLA), North Carolina Public Library Directors Association (NCPLDA), NC Community College Library Association (NCCCLA), and NC Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU), to assess recovery needs and develop resources for libraries in western NC. The coalition convenes regularly to share updates and will collaborate on initiatives to support long-term recovery plans. See resources to assist North Carolina citizens, libraries, and others impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Helene.
New NCpedia Collection in Celebration of American Indian Heritage Month

The new collection created in collaboration with the American Indian Heritage Commission, provides information and resources about American Indians in North Carolina. American Indians were the original inhabitants of this country and white colonists would have failed in establishing settlements without the assistance and generosity of people from American Indian tribes. The resources illustrate how American Indian people served in the military, worked as diplomats, and worked to preserve the history and culture of their tribe to pass down to younger generations. The collection also provides resources on the different tribes of American Indians that still call North Carolina home.
On Display at the GHL for American Indian Heritage Month

Check out materials in celebration of American Indian Heritage Month at the Government and Heritage Library or online via our On Display page. On this page, you can peruse featured titles or download the book list.
SLNC Accessible Books and Library Services Volunteer Recognition

During Fiscal Year 2023/24, a total of 65 volunteers worked a total of 4,154 hours. Thirty-four studio volunteers recorded 50 magazines, eight digital books, and four online newsletters. The ABLS volunteer program oversees volunteers who record books and magazines, assist with braille production of materials, perform administrative work, help with mailings, and work other projects. You too can play an important role in facilitating access to library services for those in need. Learn about volunteer opportunities with The Friends of the North Carolina Accessible Books and Library Services.
2024 Family History Fair

The SLNC Government and Heritage Library and State Archives cohosted the 2024 NC Family History Fair on October 24, 2026 with 86 attendees. The theme of this year’s event was “Harvesting Heritage” and focused on the intersections of foodways and family history. The event opened with a panel featuring Annemarie Anderson, Lead Oral Historian for the Southern Foodways Alliance, Kerry Bird, Director of the N.C. American Indian Heritage Commission, Molly Luby, Community History Coordinator for Chapel Hill Public Libraries, and Public Historian Andre Taylor.
SLNC Government and Heritage Library staff led a session titled "Your Family History Starts Here" that provided family researchers of all experience levels with new and helpful information. Later, Andre Taylor shared insights about family recipes and oral histories in his presentation titled "Biscuits and Babble". Taylor discussed his project "Black Folk and Our Food", modeled how everyone has the technology to be an oral historian, and encouraged attendees to inspire young people to capture family recipes and family history.
In the DNCR lobby, event attendees spoke with Librarians, Archivists, and Preservationists and found new flavors in a cookbook swap. Guests also visited the SLNC Government and Heritage Library and State Archives to explore resources and start or continue their family research. We are thankful to James and Dorothy Cruse for their donation in honor of Linda Allred Cooper in support of the 2024 NC Family History Fair.
Excel High School Program

SLNC Government and Heritage Library awards scholarships to qualifying NC residents to the Excel High School program. Excel High School is a fully online, self-paced, accredited high school program. To qualify for scholarships, North Carolina residents must be 18 or older and accepted into the program. Students enrolled in the program may use library resources through their local NC public library and through the SLNC Government and Heritage Library. The platform also offers free tutoring and access to the program in multiple languages. Currently, there are 118 individuals enrolled and twenty-one individuals across North Carolina who received scholarships from the State Library since Fall 2023 have graduated!
Upcoming Events
NC Trivia Night
Date: November 20, 2024 Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
The Raleigh Times, 14 E Hargett St, Raleigh, NC 27601

Think you're an expert on North Carolina history, geography, and culture? Here's your chance to show off your skills in North Carolina Trivia, brought to you by the State Archives of North Carolina and the State Library of North Carolina.
On Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 7 pm, players can participate—individually or in teams—from The Raleigh Times as we present fascinating trivia about the Old North State. Bragging rights are on the line in this Carolina contest of wits! We look forward to seeing you there. No registration is required.