Male college student working at computer in library being helped by a male adult instructor or librarian.

Customer Service Webinar Series: Assertiveness for the Unassertive


Assertiveness for the Unassertive

Customer Service Webinar Series with Linda Bruno

Assertiveness – grrrrr! Oh wait, that’s being aggressive! In this webinar, we’ll discuss the differences between being assertive and aggressive, as well as the dangers of being passive. Moving through today’s world, no matter what our position is in the workplace, learning to be assertive can be a valuable skill. But there can definitely be a fine line between that and aggressiveness. And it won’t serve us well to cross that line, just like it typically doesn’t serve us well to be passive. 

In the midst of our daily activities, it’s easy to just let things go, which is sometimes the best choice. But being passive can create big problems – as can being aggressive. We can contribute to tension in our workplace, low morale, a poor public image, and lots of other problem areas we would all rather avert.  

Assertiveness can help us be more confident in our interactions on a daily basis. AND it can relieve some of the stress in our lives. Why not develop this important skill? 


North Carolina library staff are invited to register for Assertiveness for the Unassertive,  

This program is supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-252476-OLS-22).