Peace, Valor, and Victory: Finding and Remembering North Carolina Veterans with Fold3


Finding and Remembering North Carolina Veterans with Fold3

Just in time for Veteran’s Day, join SLNC Government & Heritage Library staff for a virtual presentation on Fold3.
Fold3 is an online historical collection and searchable database that focuses on military records from the colonial era through recent conflict periods. This vast collection of records, from the U.S. National Archives and other international contributors, includes service records, photographs, personal documents, and stories of the people who have served.

During this live educational session, we will focus on Fold3’s key collections and share strategies for searching and finding records that can help with your North Carolina research.

We'll take a virtual field trip to the Vietnam Memorial Wall and the USS Arizona Memorial, and we’ll wrap up by showing you how to commemorate a veteran on the U.S. Honor Wall.

Program Details:

  • Live captioning will be provided.
  • This program will be recorded and will be available to view after the event is complete on the State Library's YouTube channel,
  • Date/Time: November 10, 2021, 10:00 am

Have Questions?

Please contact Francesca Perez Evans, Community Engagement Librarian