NC Digital Collections Moving to New Platform
The State Library of North Carolina and the State Archives of North Carolina are pleased to announce that the North Carolina Digital Collections site will be upgraded on June 30, 2023!

What’s changing?
We have listened to user feedback over the years, and the North Carolina Digital Collections site is moving to a new platform that will provide a better user experience. Among the changes are:
Easier browsing and searching using facets.
More intuitive zoom features when viewing items.
Downloading materials in a variety of file formats, as well as the ability to download transcriptions.
Being able to create user accounts to bookmark new finds and frequently used items.
What’s staying the same?
All our current digital collections will be available on the new site. We remain committed to providing access to North Carolina's historical record for education and research.
What do I have to do to prepare for this change?
While the website address will remain the same, any bookmarks or links to individual collections or items must be updated once the new site is live.
Who do I contact if I have any more questions?
Any questions or comments about the new site can be directed to the State Archives at or the State Library at
This project is made possible in part by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources