Non-Recurring SFRF Aid to Public Libraries
In 2021 the North Carolina General Assembly allocated $10 million of the American Rescue Plan State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF) from the U.S. Department of the Treasury that had come to North Carolina to be distributed to public libraries that qualify for State Aid to Public Libraries.
These funds began being distributed to public libraries through the State Library of North Carolina in 2022-23 fiscal year. Funds were distributed in a lump sum allotment. These funds do not revert back to the state at the end of the fiscal year. An additional lump sum disbursement will be sent out in the 2024-25 fiscal year of the remaining $650,000 to be distributed. Agreements for the 2024-25 funds will be sent out in July 2024, and signed agreements must be in place with libraries by December 1, 2024 in order to receive the funds. All funds have to be spent by December 31, 2026 or may revert back to the State or U.S. Treasury. New in 2024: Libraries no longer need to report what funds have been obligated in their quarterly reports. Libraries only need to report what has been spent.
Once funds are distributed, quarterly reports are due to the State Library of North Carolina. Quarterly reports will be due in January, April, July, and October. For those libraries receiving funds in September 2022, the first report will be due on January 16, 2023 for an extended September - December period. Remaining reports will cover 3 month periods. January - March will be due on April 17, 2023, April - June will be due on July 17, 2023, July - September will be due on October 16, 2023, October - December 2023 will be due on January 15, 2024.
Link for the quarterly report form: [Login credentials will be sent to library directors.]
Once logged in, click on the third tab from the left, "Non-recurring SFRF State Aid." Users may log in to the form and save their work without submitting it. As such, the report may be completed in multiple sessions and with information entered by multiple people, as needed.
Once fully expended, a final report and certification are required. All records of expenditures and grant award should be kept and maintained by libraries through December 31, 2031 (five years after the conclusion of the grant period that ends December 31, 2026.)
How can the funds be used?
Below is a list of what is interpreted to be allowable and non-allowable uses for funds to libraries based on the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds’ Non-Recurring State Aid to Libraries grant, based on the readings of federal and state guidelines and regulations. This list is not comprehensive but is intended to provide a general guideline.
Allowable: Non-recurring SFRF Aid | Non-allowable: Non-recurring SFRF Aid |