Cousin Chart
A cousin chart, or family relationship chart, helps explain the relationship between two people who share a common ancestor. Are you first cousins, second cousins, third cousins, or maybe a fifth cousin once removed? The chart below can help you determine that. If you want to print the chart, a printable PDF of the chart is available.
Chart Instructions
- The box marked CA on the chart in the upper left-hand corner is the common ancestor of two people.
- Identify the relationship of the first person to the common ancestor, e.g., child, grandchild, 8th great grandchild, etc. Find that box on the top row.
- Identify the relationship of the second person to the common ancestor, e.g., grandchild, great grandchild, 3rd great grandchild, etc. Find that box in the left-hand column.
- Follow the column straight down from the top row and follow the row straight across from the left-hand column. The relationship of the second person to the first person will be the box where the two lines meet.
Chart Abbreviations Used:
CA Common Ancestor
C Child
S Sibling (Brother/Sister)
N Niece/Nephew
GC Grandchild
GGC Great Grandchild
GN Grand Niece/Nephew
GGN Great Grand Niece/Nephew
#C Cousin Relationship, e.g., 1C = First Cousin, etc.
#R # of times removed, e.g., 4R = 4 times removed, etc.

Learn More:
- Which cousin is that? (video)