Male college student working at computer in library being helped by a male adult instructor or librarian.

Customer Service Webinar Series: Customer Service from Inside Out


Customer Service from Inside Out

Customer Service Webinar Series with Linda Bruno

Have you ever been in an establishment where you could feel the tension of the employees? Or perhaps you could see them stomping around or hear them “harrumphing” as they went about their business. Whichever signal they were sending to give you a clue about their dissatisfaction, chances are that clue was at least in part due to a lack of internal customer service. 

But what is “internal” customer service? Aren’t our customers from the outside? Most are, of course. But we can’t serve those outside customers unless we are working to serve our internal customers as well. 

In this one-hour session, we’ll define internal customer service – what it is and who’s involved. Then we’ll brainstorm best practices to make sure our internal customer service is as good as it can be! 


North Carolina library staff are invited to register for Customer Service from Inside Out,  

This program is supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-252476-OLS-22).