Diverse group of people standing together.

Diversifying Librarianship in the 21st Century


Diversifying Librarianship in the 21st Century

Presented by Dr. Love C. Jones, Cultural Diversity expert

Please join the State Library of North Carolina for this upcoming webinar: Diversifying Librarianship in the 21st Century on Friday, September 24th from 9 am - 12 pm. This webinar is open to all library staff in North Carolina. 

The events of the past year have highlighted the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion for libraries to be successful in addressing community needs. Dr Love C. Jones, Cultural Diversity expert,  will lead this virtual session for library staff to explore topics including managing cultural shifts, power and privilege, and matters of race in librarianship. Please join us in an updated conversation, highlighting what our most recent commitment to exploring the topic of race means for uplifting equity, diversity, and inclusion for library systems in North Carolina.

Have Questions?
Please contact Susan Forbes, Assistant State Librarian

This program is supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-246155-OLS-20).