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Managerial Leadership: Leading from the Middle Webinar for Library Staff


Managerial Leadership: Leading from the Middle for Library Staff  

Presented by Felton Thomas, Executive Director, CEO of Cleveland Public Library

Before libraries can successfully combat the many external challenges they face, they need to be strong internally. The long-term success of libraries has to start from within. This training will focus on three critical areas where managers can fortify themselves, their staff, and their organizations’ culture:

  1. Destroying leadership myths that are pervasive within the library profession
  2. Examining how library directors can encourage emergent leaders within their organization to take on surfacing leadership deficits
  3. Addressing the need for healthy leaders to create healthy organizations

The current revolution in libraries requires leaders with the confidence to lead from any position to create an environment in which employees are encouraged to support each other and establish healthy organizations.


North Carolina library staff are invited to register for Managerial Leadership: Leading from the Middle,

This program is supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-253645-OLS-23).