NC County Formation
Today North Carolina has 100 counties, although some of their names, boundaries and borders have changed over time from the formation of the colony's earliest counties in 1664 to the addition of the state's last two counties in 1911. In fact, during North Carolina's history, several counties were created that later became defunct, renamed, or absorbed into other counties. And the state also created three counties in the 1780s and 1790s that are now part of Tennessee.
A knowledge of the history of the state's county formation is invaluable knowledge for guiding historical research. Knowing when a county formed or ceased to exist can help guide the resources and collections researchers may want to consider.
A number of resources are available to help with North Carolina historical county research:
- The table below presents a list of all historical and current counties, including defunct counties, with the date of formation and parent counties. Click on the county name and you'll be directed to a page at NCpedia for that county. NCpedia county pages include a range of information about the history of the county with: links to biographies related to the county; currrent population and census demographic information; geographic and natural heritage information; and more.
- The table also indicates events (war, fire, natural disaster, unexplained loss) that have impacted the status of county records that remain today at the State Archives of North Carolina. See the column "County Record History, State Archives of NC". It can be assumed that columns without an entry have fairly complete documentary records at the State Archives.
To learn more about the history of North Carolina's counties, visit these resources:
- History of North Carolina Counties
- Chronological listing of the formation of North Carolina counties
- Annotated legislative and legal history of North Carolina's counties
- Interactive timeline of the formation of North Carolina's counties
- Formation of Tennessee
County Name | Year | Parent Counties | County Record History, State Archives of NC |
Alamance | 1849 | Orange | |
Albemarle | 1664 | Original county (extinct 1689) | |
Alexander | 1847 | Iredell, Caldwell, Wilkes | Many records burned by Federal troops in 1865. |
Alleghany | 1859 | Ashe | Courthouse fire in 1932 destroyed a few permanently valuable records. |
Anson | 1750 | Bladen | Courthouse fire of 1868 destroyed many court records. |
Ashe | 1799 | Wilkes | Courthouse fire of 1865 destroyed many court records. |
Avery | 1911 | Mitchell, Watauga, Caldwell | |
Bath | 1696 | Original county [extinct after 1724] | |
Beaufort | 1705 | Bath [orignal name Pamptecough, 1705-1712] | |
Bertie | 1722 | Chowan | |
Bladen | 1734 | New Hanover | Courthouse fires of 1800 and 1893 destroyed most of the court records and several land records. |
Brunswick | 1764 | New Hanover, Bladen | Many court records were destroyed by Federal troops in 1865. |
Buncombe | 1791 | Burke, Rutherford | Courthouse fires of 1830 and 1865 destroyed many court records. |
Burke | 1777 | Rowan | Many court records and most land records burned by Federal troops in 1865. |
Bute | 1764 | Granville [extinct after 1779, divided into Franklin and Warren Counties] | |
Cabarrus | 1792 | Mecklenburg | Courthouse fire of 1876 resulted in the loss of a few court records. |
Caldwell | 1841 | Burke, Wilkes | |
Camden | 1777 | Pasquotank | Some records were said to have been destroyed in a storage room fire; many records missing. |
Carteret | 1722 | Craven | |
Caswell | 1777 | Orange | Some records were said to have been destroyed during occupation by militia troops during Reconstruction. |
Catawba | 1842 | Lincoln | Many court records missing; reason unknown. |
Chatham | 1771 | Orange | Many court records missing; reason unknown. |
Cherokee | 1839 | Macon | Courthouse fires of 1865 (Federal troops), 1895 and 1926 destroyed many court records. |
Chowan | 1668 | Albemarle [Shaftesbury, 1670-82] | Many court records said to have been destroyed by acting clerk of court in 1848. |
Clarendon | 1664 | Original county [Abandoned by 1667] | |
Clay | 1861 | Cherokee | Fire (not courthouse) destroyed all records of the county in 1870. |
Cleveland | 1841 | Rutherford, Lincoln | |
Columbus | 1808 | Brunswick, Bladen | |
Craven | 1705 | Bath [original name Archdale, 1705-1712] | |
Cumberland | 1754 | Bladen | |
Currituck | 1668 | Albemarle [Carteret, 1670-82] | Many records of the county are missing; reason unknown. |
Dare | 1870 | Currituck, Tyrrell, Hyde | |
Davidson | 1822 | Rowan | Courthouse fire in 1866 may have destroyed some records. |
Davie | 1836 | Rowan | |
Dobbs | 1759 | Johnston [extinct 1791, divided into Lenoir and Glasgow; Glasgow renamed Greene, 1799] | |
Duplin | 1750 | New Hanover | Many court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Durham | 1881 | Orange, Wake | |
Edgecombe | 1741 | Bertie | Land records prior to 1759 are among those of Halifax County. |
Forsyth | 1849 | Stokes | |
Franklin | 1779 | Bute | |
Gaston | 1846 | Lincoln | Courthouse fire of 1874 destroyed many court records. |
Gates | 1779 | Chowan, Hertford, Perquimans | |
Glasgow | 1791 | Dobbs [renamed Green, 1799] | |
Graham | 1872 | Cherokee | |
Granville | 1746 | Edgecombe | |
Greene | 1799 | Renamed from Glasgow | Courthouse fire of 1876 destroyed many court records and all land records. |
Guilford | 1771 | Rowan, Orange | Courthouse fire of 1872 resulted in slight loss of records. |
Halifax | 1759 | Edgecombe | Many court records are missing; reason unknown. Land records of Edgecombe County and Bertie Precinct are included in the Record of Deeds series. |
Harnett | 1855 | Cumberland | Courthouse fires of 1892 and 1894 destroyed court records and many of the land records. |
Haywood | 1808 | Buncombe | |
Henderson | 1838 | Buncombe | |
Hertford | 1760 | Chowan, Bertie, Northampton | Courthouse fires of 1830 and 1862 destroyed majority of county's records. |
Hoke | 1911 | Cumberland, Robeson | |
Hyde | 1705 | Bath [original name Wickham, 1705-1712] | Name changed to Hyde in 1712. |
Iredell | 1788 | Rowan | Courthouse fire of 1854 destroyed many court records. |
Jackson | 1851 | Haywood, Macon | Many records missing; reason unknown. |
Johnston | 1746 | Craven | No record of fires, but many records missing. |
Jones | 1779 | Craven | In 1862, courthouse burned during Civil War battle; many court records destroyed. |
Lee | 1907 | Moore, Chatham | |
Lenoir | 1791 | Dobbs | Most court records destroyed in fires of 1878 and 1880. |
Lincoln | 1779 | Tryon | No known losses but many records are missing. |
Macon | 1828 | Haywood | No known losses but many records are missing. |
Madison | 1851 | Buncombe, Yancey | |
Martin | 1774 | Halifax, Tyrrell | Courthouse fire of 1884 destroyed many court records. |
McDowell | 1842 | Rutherford, Burke | |
Mecklenburg | 1763 | Anson | |
Mitchell | 1861 | Yancey, Watauga, Caldwell, Burke, McDowell | Several records believed destroyed during move into new courthouse in 1907. |
Montgomery | 1779 | Anson | Courthouse fire of 1835 destroyed many records. |
Moore | 1784 | Cumberland | Courthouse fire of 1889 destroyed most land records and many court records. |
Nash | 1777 | Edgecombe | |
New Hanover | 1729 | Craven | Courthouse fires have destroyed a few records through the years. |
Northampton | 1741 | Bertie | A few records are missing; reason unknown. |
Onslow | 1734 | New Hanover | Storms of 1752 and 1786 destroyed many records. Later court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Orange | 1752 | Johnston, Bladen, Granville | Many court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Pamlico | 1872 | Craven, Beaufort | |
Pasquotank | 1668 | Albemarle [Carteret, 1670-82] | Many early records are missing; reason unknown. |
Pender | 1875 | New Hanover | |
Perquimans | 1668 | Albemarle [Berkeley, 1670-82] | A few of the early records are missing; reason unknown. |
Person | 1792 | Caswell | |
Pitt | 1761 | Beaufort | Courthouse fire of 1857 destroyed most of the court records. |
Polk | 1855 | Rutherford, Henderson | |
Randolph | 1779 | Guilford | Many court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Richmond | 1779 | Anson | A few of the court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Robeson | 1787 | Bladen | Many of the court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Rockingham | 1785 | Guilford | A few of the court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Rowan | 1753 | Anson | A few records were destroyed by Federal troops in 1865. |
Rutherford | 1779 | Tryon | Courthouse fire of 1907 destroyed many court records. |
Sampson | 1784 | Duplin | Early court records are missing; losses may have been caused by Federal sympathizers in 1865 and clerk's office fire of 1921. |
Scotland | 1899 | Richmond | |
Stanly | 1841 | Montgomery | A few early court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Stokes | 1789 | Surry | A few court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Swain | 1871 | Jackson, Macon | Courthouse fire of 1879 destroyed many records. |
Surry | 1771 | Rowan | |
Transylvania | 1861 | Henderson, Jackson | |
Tryon | 1768 | Mecklenburg | |
Tyrrell | 1729 | Chowan, Bertie, Currituck, Pasquotank | A few of the early records are missing; reason unknown. |
Union | 1842 | Anson, Mecklenburg | A few of the early court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Vance | 1881 | Granville, Warren, Franklin | |
Wake | 1771 | Johnston, Cumberland, Orange | A very few early court records are missing; reason unknown. Several deed books were destroyed in register's office fire in 1832. |
Warren | 1779 | Bute | Some court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Washington | 1799 | Tyrrell | Courthouse destroyed in Federal bombardment of 1862. Courthouse fires of 1869 and 1881, along with the destruction of 1862, destroyed most of the court records and many of the land records. |
Watauga | 1849 | Ashe, Wilkes, Caldwell, Yancey | Courthouse fire of 1873 destroyed all of the land records and most of the court records. |
Wayne | 1779 | Dobbs | A very few early court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Wilkes | 1778 | Surry, District of Washington | A few early records are missing; reason unknown. |
Wilson | 1855 | Edgecombe, Nash, Johnston, Wayne | A few early court records are missing; reason unknown. |
Yadkin | 1850 | Surry | |
Yancey | 1833 | Burke, Buncombe | Many early court records are missing; reason unknown. |

District of Washington
On August 22, 1776, the inhabitants living along the Watauga, Holston, and Nolachucky Rivers petitioned the Council of Safety saying that since they “are within the Bounds of this State” they wanted to be officially annexed to North Carolina, and wanted to be allowed to set up courts and to elect their representatives in the General Assembly. This petition was favorably acted upon and their representatives took their seats in the Provincial Congress at Halifax on November 19, 1776.
North Carolina ceded its western lands to the United States in 1789; Congress accepted the lands in 1790 and created the Territory South of the River Ohio.
In 1796 Tennessee County gave its name to the new state of Tennessee. The new state thereupon divided the territory formerly occupied by Tennessee County into Montgomery and Robertson Counties.
Counties by Date
Year | County Name | Parent County |
1777 | Washington | District of Washington |
1779 | Sullivan | Washington |
1783 | Davidson | Washington |
1783 | Greene | Washington |
1787 | Hawkins | Sullivan |
1787 | Sumner | Davidson |
1788 | Tennessee | Davidson |
Looking for records from one of these counties?
Many extant records remain in the custody of the courthouse of the county in which they were created. Records of Tennessee County are filed with Montgomery County. The Tennessee State Library and Archives also holds many county records.