National Voter Registration Day Toolkit
"Celebrate NVRD @ Your Library” PLA podcast with SLNC staff
National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy. First observed in 2012, it has quickly gained momentum ever since. Nearly 4.5 million voters have registered to vote on the holiday to date.
National Voter Registration Day will next take place on September 17, 2025, when volunteers and organizations from all over the country will “hit the streets” in a single day of coordinated field, technology and media efforts. National Voter Registration Day seeks to create broad awareness of voter registration opportunities to reach tens of thousands of voters who may not register otherwise.
All North Carolina libraries, public, community college and university, are encouraged to participate in NVRD by registering as a National Voter Registration Day partner. By registering, you will be eligible to receive free promotional materials from NVRD.
We will periodically reach out to you with information specific to North Carolina libraries participating in the holiday and ask you to complete a survey and send photos and testimonials after the event.
NVRD Resources for Organizers
Resources for involving students
Protocol for collecting NC Voter Registration forms:
- Before hosting a registration drive, contact your local board of elections (BOE) to determine how they would like the forms to be handled. In some cases, the BOE will send a representative to your drive to collection the registration forms.
- Check here for information on your county BOE.
- All voter registration forms—complete and incomplete—must be sent to the county BOE in which the voter resides. Please also return unused forms if they are no longer needed to the county board of elections office or the State Board of Elections.
- Submit completed voter registration forms within 5 business days of receipt but no later than the 25th day before an election.
- If unable to determine the county board of elections, forms may be mailed to or dropped off at the State Board of Elections:
Mailing address:
NC State Board of Elections
P.O. Box 27255
Raleigh, NC 27611
Physical address:
Dobbs Building
430 N. Salisbury St, 3rd Floor
Raleigh, NC 27603
Library Development has curated the following voter engagement resources specific for North Carolina:
NC State Board of Election resources:
- NC State Board of Election homepage
- How to register
- Absentee voting process
- Upcoming Election and Voter Registration Deadlines
Voting Guides:
County election information:
Disability Voting Rights North Carolina resources:
Resources for Persons in the Criminal Justice System:
Listed here are additional national and non-partisan voting resources:
- ALA Voter Engagement Resources: As a premier partner for NVRD, ALA encourages libraries across the country to participate in this critical annual celebration and provides access to a host of voter engagement resources.
- You Can Vote : North Carolina nonprofit that works across the state to provide educational materials and empowerment to all voters. NC Libraries can request a YCV staff member or volunteer to come to library on National Voter Registration Day.
- While this information targets nonprofits, there are many useful resources that libraries can use such as how to stay nonpartisan and engage with candidates.
- Run by the League of Women Voters who engage voters in a non-partisan way, this site has candidate information for every person in the country (will be bi-lingual) and information in candidates own word.
- Non-partisan agency working to build political power of young people by supporting pre-registration for ages 16-17.
Visit the SLNC Academy to find many materials, webinars, and resources to help you plan your NVRD celebration.
For questions contact: Lynda Reynolds