Center for Knowledge and Life Long Learning
The most successful libraries establish themselves as a center for knowledge and lifelong learning for people of all ages, backgrounds, and needs. Through a unique mix of robust, community-centered collections, economic development, programs, and services, the library can equip its citizens to live their most productive and enjoyable lives.
For many, the heart of the public library remains its collections, available in a variety of formats and reflective of community needs. As electronic resources become more prevalent, libraries will assess collection demands and plan acquisitions in a dynamic, evolving manner. While collection development is constrained by resources, the library may explore the value of collaboration and resource sharing.
Outcome 6:
The library develops a Collections Management Plan and maintains collection practices that ensure collections are frequently reviewed and updated to reflect the diverse needs of all community members.
Number | Indicator |
6.1 | The library develops a Collection Management Plan that is reviewed and revised regularly and is consistent with the library's planning goals. |
6.2 | The Collection Management Plan includes policies for addressing customer materials requests, weeding policies, preservation policies for historical materials, and procedures for handling gifts or donations. |
6.3 | The library conducts a diversity audit of their collections to ensure the collection reflects the ethnic, cultural, and language diversity of the community. |
6.4 | The library orders collection items throughout the year to ensure an ongoing selection of new materials. |
6.5 | The library maintains materials in a variety of formats – including audio, video, and digital/electronic resources -- reflective of community needs. |
6.6 | The library includes adaptive technology to ensure inclusive access to print and electronic materials. |
6.7 | Library collections are weeded every 3 years. |
Number | Indicator |
6.8 | The library researches and acquires books and other materials that offer additional and diverse perspectives, including those in other languages. |
6.9 | The library promotes use of its collections through marketing, displays, and programs to increase user awareness and appreciation. |
6.10 | The library utilizes interlibrary loan or joins a consortium such as NC Cardinal to supplement local collection development. |
6.11 | The library offers a Library of Things: e.g., lends gardening tools and seeds, art supplies, kitchen appliances, toys, musical instruments, science kits, recreational equipment, etc., that meet community needs. |
6.12 | Library collections are weeded every 2 years. |
Number | Indicator |
6.13 | The library actively promotes their diverse collections with the community, including community reads or other programming. |
6.14 | The library offers materials related to traditionally marginalized communities that include their history, culture, and contemporary issues. |
6.15 | Library collections are weeded on a continuous basis. |
Helpful Resources
- Collection Development and Selection and Reconsideration Policy Toolkit ALA Collection Development tools and resources including selection and weeding.
- We Need Diverse Books Resources for “putting more books featuring diverse characters into the hands of all children.”
- NC Cardinal NC Cardinal is a catalog and resource sharing program of the State Library of North Carolina.
The library is well-established to support the economic growth of its community. A trusted resource of education and technology, the library offers job seekers and small business owners the opportunity to develop their careers. Similarly, the library can offer technology and support to people seeking to connect with government services.
Outcome 7:
Workers and small businesses achieve increased success through the use of library collections, resources, programs, and services to attain jobs, business support, and government services.
Number | Indicator |
7.1 | The library offers sufficient numbers of public computers and sufficient internet bandwidth to assist job seekers in searching for and applying for positions. (See Technology) |
7.2 | The library offers resources about job searching, resume development, software applications, career development, and associated topics. |
7.3 | The library seeks out and forms partnerships with organizations that can assist workers in applying for jobs. |
7.4 | The library offers access to information and technology that connects library customers to government resources at the local, county, state, and federal level. |
Number | Indicator |
7.5 | The library, perhaps through partnerships, offers Jobs Assistance classes in searching for and applying for jobs, resume-writing, etc. |
7.6 | The library seeks out and forms partnerships to offer workers computer skills classes. |
7.7 | Library staff members assisting people with e-government needs are familiar with the use of government websites, forms, and application systems used by community members. |
7.8 | The library seeks out and identifies partnerships to assist small businesses in their growth and development. |
7.9 | The library identifies and provides information on training and educational resources not available in the library. |
7.10 | The library offers summer internships for high school students. |
Number | Indicator |
7.11 | The library works with area employers, Chambers of Commerce, and community colleges/universities to identify needed worker skills and assists in the provision of worker skills training. |
7.12 | The library identifies partnerships with individuals or organizations to assist in offering specialized technology and technology training to the public. |
7.13 | With partners, the library develops and circulates start-up resource packets or kits for prospective entrepreneurs. |
7.14 | Library staff conduct targeted outreach to unemployed and underemployed people to promote training programs and identify additional training needs. |
7.15 | The library sponsors or hosts a community job fair of local and regional employers. |
| The library offers information and services to job seekers, entrepreneurs, and people interested in government services in languages reflective of the community. |
Helpful Resources
- NC Works NC Works offers career centers and resources for job seekers and employers throughout North Carolina.
- NC Workforce Development Boards The state funds 23 local Workforce Development Boards of community leaders charged with planning and oversight responsibilities for workforce programs and services in their area.
- North Carolina Workforce Resources The NC Department of Commerce offers information regarding statewide workforce development partners and federal resources and grant opportunities.
As socioeconomic and digital divides persist in many communities, the library offers critical services to level the informational and technological playing field. Traditional service delivery may be augmented to ensure participation by people with disabilities, those unable to come to the library facility, and non-English speaking people.
Outcome 8
The library offers age-appropriate services free of charge to all within its service population to educate, inspire, and equip people to be their best.
Number | Indicator |
8.1 | The library acknowledges and respects the community's cultural diversity as services are planned and delivered. |
8.2 | Library staff offer in-person information and reference services that are accurate and derived from sources that meet professional standards of authority and timeliness. |
8.3 | Library staff provide assistance to patrons with navigating library technology. |
8.4 | The library offers adaptive technology for people with disabilities to utilize library services. |
8.5 | The library offers photocopier, printer, fax, and scanning technology services. |
8.6 | The library offers at least one public space for individual work or small meetings. |
8.7 | The library staff offer Readers Advisory Services. |
8.8 | The library has a system for reserving public space. |
8.9 | The library offers multiple methods of service delivery. |
8.10 | The library works with at least two community partners – government, business, or nonprofit agencies – to bring value-added services to library patrons and other community members. (See Innovation through Collaboration, Partnerships) |
8.11 | The library obtains public feedback on library collections, programs, and services every 2 years, including customer satisfaction and additional needs. |
Number | Indicator |
8.12 | Library staff are trained to offer information and reference services that are accurate and derived from sources that meet professional standards of authority and timeliness, both in person and remotely. |
8.13 | At least one library staff member is trained to offer technology assistance services to patrons. |
8.14 | The library provides wireless printing from patron's phones or laptops. |
8.15 | The library offers at least two flexible public spaces to accommodate individual work, group, or small-medium public meetings. |
8.16 | The library provides outreach to special populations to promote library services. (See Community Engagement, Outreach) |
8.17 | The library works with at least four community partners – government, business, or nonprofit agencies – to bring value-added services to library patrons and other community members. (See Innovation through Collaboration, Partnerships) |
Number | Indicator |
8.18 | The library trains patrons in using current technology, including people with disabilities. |
8.19 | The library offers notary services. |
8.20 | The library facilitates or serves as a custodian of local history. |
8.21 | The library offers at least three flexible public spaces to accommodate individual work, group, or large public meetings. |
8.22 | The library has an online system for reserving public spaces. |
8.23 | The library offers access to meeting rooms after hours. |
8.24 | Basic library publications, such as library card applications, flyers, brochures, etc., are translated into the most prominent languages in the community. |
8.25 | The library works with at least six community partners – government, business, or nonprofit agencies – to bring value-added services to library patrons and other community members. (See Innovation through Collaboration, Partnerships) |
8.26 | The library obtains public feedback on library collections, programs, and services every year, including customer satisfaction and additional needs. |
Helpful Resources
- Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) Division of the American Library Association offering publications, guidelines, and resources including:
- Professional Competencies for Reference and User Services Librarians
- Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers
- Legal Reference for Public Libraries: Distinguishing Between Information and Advice Overall advice about legal reference applies to any public library staff across U.S.
Increasingly, children, teens, and adults look to the library for educational programming; for teens and adults, this programming might include college, career, and "life" training. As the welcoming, friendly heart of many communities, the library is ideally positioned to strengthen the skills and economic opportunities available to community members through its programming.
Outcome 9
The library develops and hosts educational, recreational, and cultural programs designed to meet the diverse needs and interests of their communities.
Number | Indicator |
9.1 | The library acknowledges and respects the community's cultural diversity as programs are planned and presented. |
9.2 | The library provides out-of-school programs for children and teens. |
9.3 | The library provides inclusive year-round programs for all ages, abilities, genders, ethnicities, income levels, etc. |
9.4 | The library provides current information about community organizations that offer other programs of interest to patrons. |
9.5 | The library evaluates program offerings yearly. |
Number | Indicator |
9.6 | The library provides intergenerational programs. |
9.7 | The library evaluates programs quarterly using feedback solicited from program attendees. |
9.8 | The library has a written policy defining the scope of library programs and connects with other library policies, such as collection development and community spaces, and supports strategic plans. |
Number | Indicator |
9.9 | The library provides programs outside of the library building in conjunction with other community organizations. |
9.10 | Programs are held at times and locations that are convenient based on community feedback. |
9.11 | The library evaluates programs quarterly using feedback solicited from program attendees and other community members. |
9.12 | The library provides programs in languages other than English according to community needs. |
Helpful Resources
- North Carolina Adult Programming Environmental Scan The North Carolina Adult Programming Environmental Scan, prepared by Dr. Noah Lenstra of the UNC-Greensboro School of Library and Information Science, offers numerous helpful recommendations and resources for strengthening adult programming throughout the state of North Carolina. Dr. Lenstra's study suggests that North Carolina public librarians reported the following as the most impactful adult programs: (1) Collection-related; (2) Economics/Job/Law; (3) Culture or History; (4) Health; and (5) Technology, Science, or Makerspace (tied with (5) Crafts or Other DIY).
- Project Outcome Free toolkit designed to help public libraries understand and share the impact of essential library services and programs by providing simple surveys and an easy-to-use process for measuring and analyzing outcomes. Project Outcome also provides libraries with the resources and training support needed to apply their results and confidently advocate for their library’s future.
- National Impact of Library Public Programs Assessment (NILPPA) Through the National Impact of Library Public Programs Assessment (NILPPA), the American Library Association (ALA) is collecting data from libraries across the country to understand and document the characteristics, audiences, outcomes, and value of U.S. library public programming.