On Display: American Indian Heritage Month

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Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
Native Carolinians: the Indians of North Carolina Perdue, Theda and Oakley, Christopher 2010 State Government Documents F1 2:N27 2010 c.2 33091007394810
Herbal Remedies of the Lumbee Indians Boughman, Arvis and Oxendine, Loretta 2003 Adult Nonfiction 615.321 B758h 33091008316812
Indigenous Activism: profiles of Native women in contemporary America Trafzer, Clifford; Akers, Donna; Wixon, Amanda 2021 Adult Nonfiction 920.7208997 I39i 33091008380362
Native Tribal Arts and Traditions: a cultural crafts manual of the American Indian of the Southeast and other areas Richardson, Arnold 1981 State Government Documents F32 2:N27 c.2 33091008154189
Upon Her Shoulders: southeastern Native women share their stories of justice, spirit, and community Jacobs, Mary Ann; Beasley, Cherry; Wiethaus, Ulrike 2022 Adult Nonfiction 920.72 J17u 33091008317208
An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne 2014 Adult Nonfiction 970 D899a 33091008157760
The Encyclopedia of Native American Biography: six hundred life stories of important people from Powhatan to Wilma Mankiller Johansen, Bruce; Grinde, Donald Jr. 1997 Adult Nonfiction 970.00497 J65e 33091005946355
1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus Mann, Charles 2006 Adult Reference 970.011 M281f 33091006936140
Native American Almanac: more than 50,000 years of the cultures and histories of indigenous peoples Dennis, Yvonne; Hirschfelder, Arlene; Flynn, Shannon 2016 Desk - Reference 970.00497 N278n 2016 33091008379109
Indian, Black and Irish: indigenous nations, african peoples, european invasions, 1492-1790 Fenelon, James 2023 NC Research Room 973.0497 F332i 33091008377509
Indian Voices: listening to Native Americans Owings, Alison 2011 Adult Nonfiction 970.00497 Ow3i 33091008096489
Living Indian Histories: Lumbee and Tuscarora people in North Carolina Sider, Gerald 2003 Adult Nonfiction 975.6004973 S568l c.2 33091008233553
I am the Fire of Time: the voices of Native American women Katz, Jane B. 1977 Adult Storage Nonfiction 973.00497 I1 33091001072776
Thundersticks: firearms and the violent transformation of Native America Silverman, David 2016 NC Research Room 970.00497 S587t 33091008174328
Cherokee Power: imperial and indigenous geopolitics in the Trans-Applachian west, 1670-1774 Ray, Kristofer 2023 Adult Storage Nonfiction 975.004975 R263c 33091008378614
The Forgotten Centuries: Indians and Europeans in the American south 1521-1704 Hudson, Charles; Tesser, Carmen 1994 Adult Storage Nonfiction 975.02 F721f 33091008123481
From Princess to Chief: life with the Waccamaw Siouan Indians of North Carolina Jacobs, Priscilla; Lerch, Patricia 2013 Adult Storage Nonfiction 975.60049752 J154f 33091007768617
Black Indian Genealogy Research: African-American ancestors among the five civilized tribes Walton-Raji, Angela 2007 Adult Nonfiction 929.108996073 W238b 2007 33091008121972
Cherokee Basketry: from the hands of our Elders Fariello, M. Anna 2009 NC Research Room 746.41208 F226c 33091007523772
We're Still Here: Native Americans of the south and east DeMeritt, Carolyn; Galliard, Frye 2009 NC Research Room 975.00497 D376w 33091008362600
Native Southerners: indigenous history from origins to removal Smithers, Gregory 2019 NC Research Room 975.00497 S664n 33091008377624
Our Heritage, Our Land, Our People: celebrating 25 years of Occaneechi-Saponi cultural renewal Occaneechi Band of the -Saponi Nation 2009 Adult Reference 929.39 O15o 33091008214421
Contemporary Pottery from North Carolina's American Indian Communities Peterson, Sally 2009 NC Research Room 738.309756 P44291c 33091007511389
Keeping the Circle: American Indian identity in eastern North Carolina 1885-2004 Oakley, Christopher 2005 Adult Reference 305.8970756 O11k 33091006781389
Waccamaw Legacy: contemporary Indians fight for survival Lerch, Patricia 2004 NC Research Room 305.8970757 L561w 33091008187825
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