On Display: Black History Month

Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
Labor of love, labor of sorrow: black women, work and the family, from slavery to the present Jones, Jacqueline 2010 NC Research Room 305.48896073 J77l 2010 33091007487135
Conflict of interests: organized labor and the civil rights movement in the South, 1954-1968 Draper, Alan 1994 NC Research Room 305.800975 D765c 33091005894704
Threatening property: race, class, and campaigns to legislate Jim Crow neighborhoods Herbin-Triant, Elizabeth A. 2019 NC Research Room 305.8009756 H538t 33091008242901
Campus to counter: civil rights activism in Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina, 1960-1963 Suttell, Brian 2023 NC Research Room 323.11960756 S965c 33091008380669
Our separate ways: women and the Black Freedom Movement in Durham, North Carolina Greene, Christina 2005 NC Research Room 323.1196 G799o 33091006781876
Hiring the black worker: the racial integration of the Southern textile industry, 1960-1980 Minchin, Timothy J. 1999 NC Research Room 331.6396073 M663h 33091006079495
Driving the Green Book: a road trip through the living history of Black resistance Hall, Alvin 2023 NC Research Room 917.304 H174d 33091008346934
A working people: a history of African American workers since Emancipation Reich, Steven A. 2013 Adult Storage Nonfiction 331.63 R347w 33091008104028
Black and white: land, labor, and politics in the south Fortune, Timothy Thomas 2022 Adult Storage Nonfiction 975.00496 F745b 33091008347759
The seedtime, the work, and the harvest: new perspectives on the Black freedom struggle in America Littlejohn, Jeffrey L. 2018 Adult Nonfiction 323.1196073 L779s 33091008184699
On fire: five civil rights sit-ins and the rhetoric of protest O'Rourke, Sean Patrick 2021 Adult Nonfiction 323.0973 O74f 33091008274466
Black women in the labor force Wallace, Phyllis A. 1980 Adult Nonfiction 331.411 W193b 33091001464924
Shelter in a time of storm: how Black colleges fostered generations of leadership and activism Favors, Jelani Manu-Gowon 2019 Adult Nonfiction 371.829 F275s 33091008266785
A seat at the table: Black women public intellectuals in US history and culture Williams, Hettie V. 2023 Adult Nonfiction 973.082 S441s 33091008364390
An African American and Latinx history of the United States Ortiz, Paul 2018 Adult Nonfiction 305.800973 O77a 33091008176463
Delivered by midwives: African American midwifery in the twentieth-century South Luke, Jenny M. 2018 Adult Nonfiction 618.20089 L954d 33091008268880
For jobs and freedom: race and labor in America since 1865 Zieger, Robert H. 2007 Adult Nonfiction 331.63 Z66f 33091008101917
Riding Jane Crow: African American women on the American railroad Thaggert, Miriam 2022 Adult Nonfiction 331.7651 T363r 33091008381154
Medicalizing Blackness: making racial difference in the Atlantic world, 1780-1840 Hogarth, Rana A. 2017 Adult Nonfiction 362.108 H715m 33091008204760
Workers on arrival: Black labor in the making of America Trotter, Joe William 2021 Adult Nonfiction 331.6396073 T858w 33091008375198
From here to equality: reparations for Black Americans in the twenty-first century Darity, William A., Jr. 2022 Adult Nonfiction 323.1196073 D218f 33091008356917
Organized labor and the Black worker, 1619-1973 Foner, Philip S. 1974 Adult Nonfiction 331.880973 F673o 33091002545648
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