On Display: Canned Food Month

Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
How to preserve food Chenoweth, Walter W. (Walter Winfred) 1945 Adult Nonfiction 641.4 C518h 33091002720241
Canning, freezing & drying Brandt, Linda 1981 Adult Nonfiction 641. C2252 33091001185073
Canning is fun Spruill-Pollock, Mary Ann; North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service 1983 State Government Documents G46.2 25:C22 33091001455724
The canning and preserving cookbook 1975 Adult Nonfiction 641.4 C225 33091001968973
Home canning for victory also preserving, pickling and dehydrating Pierce, Anne 1942 Adult Nonfiction 641.4 P615h 33091001387323
Home-made jellies, jams and preserves Yeatman, Fanny Walker; Stienbarger, Mabel C. 1938 Federal Government Documents A 1.9:1800 33091006171854
Making Pickles in North Carolina Tope, Nadine F. (Nadine Fortna) 1979 State Government Documents A75 34:205 1979 33091007929235
Home canning in North Carolina Lackey, Carolyn J. Tope, Nadine F. (Nadine Fortna) 1987 State Government Documents A75 34:322 33091007929268
Grandmother in the kitchen; a cook's tour of American household recipes from the early 1800's to the late 1890's Adamson, Helen Lyon 1965 Adult Nonfiction 641.5 A221g 33091001890763
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