On Display: The Centenarian Club

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Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
The invention of printing in China and its spread westward Carter, Thomas Francis 1925 Adult Nonfiction 686.209 C325i 33091001387919
Pottery and porcelain a guide to collectors Litchfield, Frederick 1925 Adult Nonfiction 738 L776p 33091000841775
Red papers on musical subjects Van Vechten, Carl 1925 Adult Nonfiction 780.8 V284r 33091001802347
A London book window Milne, James 1925 Adult Nonfiction 820.9 M659l 33091001440098
Swallowing the anchor being a revised and enlarged collection of notes made by an engineer in the merchant service who secured leave of absence from his ship to investigate and report upon the alleged superiority of life ashore McFee, William 1925 Adult Nonfiction 824.912 M143s 33091002480291
The red badge of courage Crane, Stephen 1925 Adult Fiction Crane 33091000737569
Observations on Italy Bell, John 1825 Adult Nonfiction 914.5 B433o 33091002227544
Biographia americana or, A historical and critical account of the lives, actions, and writings of the most distinguished persons in North America; from the first settlement to the present time French, Benjamin Franklin 1825 Adult Nonfiction 920.07 F873 33091002620086
Peter Langtoft's Chronicle (as illustrated and improv'd by Robert of Brunne) from the death of Cadwalder to the end of K. Edward the First's reign vol.1 Peter of Langtoft 1725 Adult Nonfiction 942.035 P478p 33091002533610
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