On Display: Holidays Around the World

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Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
The book of Christmas folklore Coffin, Tristram Potter 1973 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555Chr 33091001769660
Christmas stories from French and Spanish writers Ogden, Antoinette 1892 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555O 33091001872027
The Hanukkah book Tupa, Mae Rockland 1975 Adult Nonfiction 745.5941 R683h 33091005711627
Kwanzaa: an African-American celebration of culture and cooking Copage, Eric. V. 1991 Adult Nonfiction 641.59296073 C781k 33091000053470
Christmas mumming in Newfoundland; essays in anthropology, folklore, and history Halpert, Herbert 1969 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555Ha 33091001400258
A treasury of African-American Christmas stories Collier-Thomas, Bettye 1997 Adult Nonfiction 810.80334 T784 33091005976105
The Santa Claus book Jones, E. Willis 1976 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555Jo 33091001642370
The Christmas tree book: the history of the Christmas tree and antique Christmas tree ornaments Snyder, Phillip V. 1976 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555Syd 33091002326734
Yule-tide in many lands Pringle, Mary Poague 1916 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555Pr 33091002571305
A North Carolina Christmas Kiefer, Jan 1996 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 394.2663 K47n 33091005972310
Moravian Christmas in the South Thomas, Nancy Smith 2007 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 263.915 T459m 33091006955124
Christmas at Biltmore: celebrating at America's largest home 2016 NC Research Room 394.2663 C555 33091008274151
The Christmas book of legends and stories Smith, Elva Sophronia 1944 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555Smb 33091002396026
4000 years of Christmas Count, Earl Wendel 1948 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555Cou 33091000645077
1001 Christmas facts and fancies Hottes, Alfred Carl 1937 Adult Nonfiction 394.268 C555Ho 33091000989517
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