On Display: National Braille Literacy

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Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
Solutions : access technologies for people who are blind Espinola, Olga 1992 Adult Nonfiction 362.41 E77s 33091000097295
Louis Braille windows for the blind Kugelmass, J. Alvin 1951 Adult Biography B B814K 33091000659847
Seeing fingers : the story of Louis Braille Degering, Etta 1962 Adult Biography B B814D 33091002177681
Touch reading; a manual for adults who want to learn to read braille Wise, Janet 1960 Adult Nonfiction 371.911 W812t 33091002707743
The Governor Morehead School (formerly State School for the Blind and Deaf) Governor Morehead School [19--] State Government Documents S35 14:B814 33091914492469
Adaptive technologies for learning & work environments Lazzaro, Joseph J 2001 Adult Nonfiction 362.4048 L432a 2001 33091006501811
Beauty for the sighted and the blind Eaton, Allen H. 1959 Adult Nonfiction 371.9 E14b 33091002473288
As I saw It Irwin, Robert B. 1955 Adult Nonfiction 371.9 I72a 33091001761717
Touch reading a manual for adults who want to learn to read braille. Embossed in English braille - American revision Wise, Janet 1960 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 371.911 W812t Braille ed. (vol. 1) 33091000586818
Information access and adaptive technology Cunningham, Carmela & Coombs, Norman 1997 Adult Nonfiction 362.40483 C973i 33091006014542
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