On Display: New Year New Destinations

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Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
Egyptian Museum, Cairo Donadoni, Sergio 1969 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 709.32 E32 33091004476008
Chinese monumental art Swann, Peter C. 1963 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 730.951 S972c 33091000888628
Persia, the immortal kingdom Ghirshman, Roman 1971 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 913.3503 G425p 33091002295020
Korean furniture: elegance and tradition Wright, Edward Reynolds 1984 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 749.29519 W948k 33091001121839
The Alte Pinakothek of Munich and the Castle of Scleissheim and their paintings Alte Pinakothek 1974 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 759.94 A1M 33091002488310
The Prado of Madrid and its paintings Cinotti, Mia 1973 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 759.94 A1C 33091001080001
Portrait of Edinburgh Kersting, A. F. 1961 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 914.1445 K41p 33091001234160
The art of India Glubok, Shirley 1969 Adult Nonfiction 709.54 G567a 33091001541796
Ancient Oaxaca discovering in Mexican archaeology and history Paddock, John 1966 Adult Nonfiction 970.427 P123a 33091001601749
Theatre in India Gargi, Balawanta 1962 Adult Nonfiction 792.0954 G231t 33091000883298
Macedonian Greece Crossland, John 1982 Adult Nonfiction 949.56 C951m 33091000503870
Athens, city of the gods from prehistory to 338 B.C Prokopiou, Angelos 1964 Adult Nonfiction 949.512 P964a 33091001203330
The book of London Automobile Association (Great Britain) Publications Division 1979 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 914.21 A939b 33091002133692
Art treasures in the Royal Ontario Museum Royal Ontario Museum 1963 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 708.11 T686a 33091001688696
Baroque art and architecture in central Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Czechoslovokia, Poland. Painting and sculpture: seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; architecture: sixteenth to eighteenth centuries Hempel, Eberhard 1965 Adult Nonfiction 709.43 H491b 33091001314988
Art treasures from Japan 1971 Adult Nonfiction 709.52 A784 33091002286433
Constantinople from Byzantium to Istanbul Rice, David Talbot 1965 Adult Nonfiction 709.4961 R495c 33091002708634
The arts of Thailand a handbook of the architecture, sculpture, and painting of Thailand (Siam) Bowie, Theodore Robert 1960 Adult Nonfiction 709.593 B786a 33091001225614
Notre-Dame of Paris Temko, Allan 1955 Adult Nonfiction 726.6 T279n 33091002487296
The Fountains of Rome Morton, Henry Vollam 1966 Adult Nonfiction 731.722 M889f 33091000676056
Dublin a portrait Pritchett, Victor Sawdon 1967 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 914.183 P961d 33091000725689
The Peru traveler a concise history and guide Rodman, Selden 1967 Adult Nonfiction 985 R693p 33091002181261
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