On Display: Old State Library Collection

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Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
Theodore Roosevelt's letters to his children Roosevelt, Theodore 1919 Adult Biography B R7813a1 33091000677369
Life and times of William E. Gladstone an account of his ancestry and boyhood; his career at Eton and Oxford; his entrance into public life; his rise to leadership and fame; his genius as statesman and author, and his influence on the progress of the nineteenth century Ridpath, John Clark 1898 Adult Biography B G543R 33091000794982
Bernard Baruch, park bench statesman Field, Carter 1944 Adult Biography B B295F 33091001456839
Child of destiny the life story of the first woman doctor Ross, Ishbel 1949 Adult Biography B B632R 33091002575462
Confessions of a schoolmaster Washington, Lawrence Daniel 1939 Adult Biography B W3184 33091002037844
A girl of the Blue Ridge Erskine, Payne 1915 Adult Fiction Erskine 33091001249960
Twenty years at Hull-house with autobiographical notes Addams, Jane 1911 Adult Nonfiction 331.8 A222t 33091006023493
The Red Cross in peace and war Barton, Clara 1904 Adult Nonfiction 361.5 B293r 33091001738848
Asylum Seabrook, William 1935 Adult Nonfiction 362.2 S438a 33091001512250
Give the lady what she wants! ... The story of Marshall Field & Company Wendt, Lloyd 1952 Adult Nonfiction 658.871 W473g 33091001908789
Cotton values in textile fabrics : a collection of cloth samples, arranged to show the value of cotton, when converted into various kinds of cloth Tompkins, Daniel Augustus 1902 Adult Nonfiction 677.2164 T662c 33091000794396
Willis Haviland Carrier, father of air conditioning Ingels, Margaret 1952 Adult Nonfiction 697.9 I46w 33091002210854
The complete angler or Contemplative man's recreation: being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing Walton, Izaak 1836 Adult Nonfiction 799.12 W239c 1836 33091001398338
Over here Guest, Edgar A. 1916 Adult Nonfiction 811.52 G936o 33091001730175
But mine was different : cystolithectomy, embolism, pleurisy : Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, April 28-May 20, 1955 Hudson, Arthur Palmer 1955 Adult Nonfiction 811.54 H885b 33091001597244
An American year country life and landscapes through the seasons Borland, Hal 1946 Adult Nonfiction 814.52 B735a 33091002129898
Poor Richard's almanack Franklin, Benjamin 1926 Adult Nonfiction 818.1 F831po 33091001777218
Bacon is Shake-speare Durning-Lawrence, Edwin 1910 Adult Nonfiction 822.33 Z4Dur 33091001354067
The heart of the Alleghanies or, western North Carolina; comprising its topography, history, resources, people, narratives, incidents, and pictures of travel, adventures in hunting and fishing and legends of its wildernesses Ziegler, Wilbur Gleason 1883 Adult Nonfiction 917.56 Z45h 33091002322782
Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, under the direction of the American Board of Commissions for Foreign Missions in the years 1835, '36, and '37 : : containing a description of the geography, geology, climate, productions of the country, and the number, manners, and customs of the natives : with a map of Oregon Territory Parker, Samuel 1840 Adult Nonfiction 917.9 P243j 33091001178334
A thousand years with royalty a story of the English kings Johnson, James McNeill 1913 Adult Nonfiction 923.142 J67t 33091002197721
Four generations of the family of Strangeman Hutchins and his wife, Elizabeth Cox, as known January 10, 1935. An old Virginia family along the James river Crider, Gussie Waymire 1935 Adult Nonfiction 929.2 H974C 33091002064293
Animal heroes of the great war Baynes, Ernest Harold 1926 Adult Nonfiction 940.4 B361a 33091001876416
Flying for France with the American escadrille at Verdun McConnell, James R. 1917 Adult Nonfiction 940.44944 M129f 33091001699925
The Pacific Islands Oliver, Douglas L. 1952 Adult Nonfiction 990 O48p 33091000649541
A catalogue of plants, native or naturalized, in the vicinity of New Bern, North Carolina with remarks and synonyms Croom, Hardy Bryan 1837 NC Research Room 581.975619 C948c 33091000502864
Fifty acres and other selected poems Pearson, James Larkin 1937 NC Research Room 811.52 P361f 1937 33091002719797
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