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Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
The origin of species by means of natural selection or, The preservation of favored races in the struggle for life vol.1 Darwin, Charles 1896 Adult Nonfiction 575.0162 D228o 33091002614261
The merchant of Venice Shakespeare, William 1903 Adult Nonfiction 822.33 M4 33091000681809
The poems of Edgar Allan Poe Poe, Edgar Allan 1895 Adult Nonfiction 811.3 P743p 33091000797050
The Iliad of Homer vol.1 Homer 1870 Adult Nonfiction 883.01 H766i 1870 33091002214534
Little women Alcott, Louisa May 1947 Adult Nonfiction 813.4 A355l 33091002398303
Frankenstein or The modern Prometheus Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 1969 Adult Fiction Shelley 33091001339902
Twenty thousand leagues under the sea Verne, Jules 1946 Adult Fiction Verne 33091001659275
Moby Dick or, The white whale Melville, Herman 1942 Adult Fiction Melville 33091002572709
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles 1943 Adult Fiction Dickens 33091002037075
The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, Alexandre 1946 Adult Fiction Dumas 33091001055649
Cup of gold Steinbeck, John 1936 Adult Fiction Steinbeck 33091002167666
Pride and prejudice Austen, Jane 1945 Adult Fiction Austen 33091002234912
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