Manage Your Grant

Tab/Accordion Items

Information on grant acknowledgment, logos and images, press releases, and social media can be found in the Grantee Communication Toolkit.

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Budget Documents

Reimbursement Request Form

Grant payments are made on a reimbursement basis. Itemized invoices must be submitted with the required Reimbursement Request Form to document all grant and matching expenditures.

Shipping/handling charges are eligible for reimbursement; taxes are only eligible if your institution is NOT tax exempt.

Unless otherwise indicated in the grant agreement, Reimbursement Request Forms are expected quarterly or more frequently if there are significant expenditures (over 10% of the award amount). Submit requests on or before:

  • October 15
  • January 15 
  • April 15 (a minimum of 75% of grant funds should be expended by this date)
  • July 15 is the final deadline to submit reimbursement requests; all grant and matching expenditures must be completed and invoiced by June 30. 

First, download the 2023-2024 Reimbursement Request Form (xlsx) or the  2024-2025 Reimbursement Request Form (xlsx).  Complete the form per the instructions.  Then, to upload and submit the reimbursement request form, complete the online submission form.  

LSTA Equipment Approval Request

Equipment with a per unit price above $5,000 requires prior written approval from the State Library and will be inventoried annually for the remainder of its useful life. If fair market value at the time of surplus or disposal exceeds $5,000, disposal must be cleared with the State Library.  

Prior to purchasing equipment, complete the LSTA Equipment Approval Request Form and await approval from the State Library before purchasing the equipment.

Project Activities and Required Surveys

Every project will have at least one federally funded activity: Instruction, Planning, or Content.

Each activity type requires selection of a mode (the way it was delivered), a description of 90-160 words, and specified outputs. Use the Activity Worksheet to see all the choices and gather all the needed information before beginning the report.

The following activity/mode combinations require a survey. Activity/mode combinations not listed here do not require a survey. Each survey is unique to the type of activity/mode. Most surveys are for use with library staff; there is only one survey to be used with the general public. The survey results must be tallied and captured on the corresponding Survey Results; the tallied Survey Results are to be uploaded at the end of the Final Report.

Activity Mode typeSurvey Template (.docx)Survey Results (.xlsx)
Instruction/Program, when the activity is directed at the General PublicSurveySurvey Results
Instruction/Program, when the activity is directed at Library Staff SurveySurvey Results
Content/Acquisition, when the activity is directed at Library Staff SurveySurvey Results
Content/Creation, when the activity is directed at Library StaffSurveySurvey Results
Planning, when Library Staff (not patrons) is the target beneficiary audienceSurveySurvey Results


The surveys are in alignment with PLA’s Project Outcome and are a requirement by IMLS. More questions may be added by the local library for their own purposes/information, but all the provided questions are required.

Final Report

The Final Report will be available for submission via form. 

Final Report Guide

Final Report Guide of the online report is available to help you prepare for the official Final Report submission.  

Abstracts and Activities Help

The Abstracts and Activities Help document provides some tips and examples for the Abstracts and Activities in the Final Report.

Grants with eligible project partners are required to submit, with their signed agreement, a partner statement from each partner.

IMLS Guidance

Applicants and Awardees are encouraged to reference IMLS Advisories and Guidance, as applicable. 

IMLS' Advertising, PR, Promotional Materials Guidance can assist in determining allowable and unallowable costs related to advertising, public relations, and promotional materials for Library Service and Technology Act (LSTA) grant awards and subawards in addition to the applicable Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Cost Principles for more complete information on allowable and unallowable costs.

The purpose of the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) policy guidance is to clarify the responsibilities of recipients of federal financial assistance from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities to limited English proficient (LEP) persons pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the IMLS implementing regulations.

Logo for the Institute of Museum and Library Services

LSTA grant awards are made possible by funding from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-253645-OLS-23). LSTA grants are awarded in response to specific needs of public, academic and community college libraries. These federal funds are investments that help libraries deliver relevant and up-to-date services to their communities.