Apply for a LSTA Grant

Libraries are invited to apply for funding that supports a new or improved program or service that will solve a specific problem or meet an identified need of the library’s current or potential users. This competitive grant program allows libraries to focus on meeting their users’ needs by developing a project that has a user-focused need statement, defined outcomes, a timeline with a series of actions spread out over the funding period, and an evaluation that measures how well the outcomes were met. Projects need to support one of the goals from North Carolina’s LSTA Five Year Plan. Each goal is based on identified needs, strives toward excellence and equity in North Carolina’s libraries, and is related to one or more of the eight LSTA priorities.

Logo for the Institute of Museum and Library Services

LSTA grant awards are made possible by funding from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. LSTA grants are awarded in response to specific needs of public, academic and community college libraries. These federal funds are investments that help libraries deliver relevant and up-to-date services to their communities.

General Information

  • Eligible libraries may submit up to three EZ and Project grant applications per year.
  • State Library Consultants are available to provide feedback throughout the application process and to review complete draft applications submitted through February 12, 2025.
  • To be eligible, all grant application documents must be received by 11:59 PM on the due date.
  • Only complete applications from eligible libraries will be considered.

How to Apply

Use the instructions and application for each grant category to apply.

Due November 1, 2024

Due March 1, 2025

LSTA EZ and full Project Grant applications require a completed certification form.

Questions? Email

2025-2026 Program Guidelines

Tab/Accordion Items

DateActivities Occurring
September 2024Grant guidelines and application information is announced and made available
November 1, 2024
  • Letter of Intent are due for Project Grants
  • NC Cardinal Migration applications are due
December 6, 2024Letter of Intent and NC Cardinal Migration applicants are notified of application status
February 12, 2025Last day to request final draft review from SLNC Consultants
March 1, 2025EZ Grant and Project Grant applications are due
June 5, 2025Applicants are notified; Awarded applicants are given agreement information; Grant awards are announced
July 1, 2025Anticipated start date for awarded grants; beginning of grant period


EZ Grants & Project Grants

The following North Carolina libraries are eligible to apply for LSTA EZ, Project and Multi-Year Project grants:

•    A public library or library system that meets the eligibility requirements for the Aid to Public Libraries Fund (State Aid);
•    Community college libraries;
•    North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities member libraries; and
•    University of North Carolina system libraries, which includes libraries serving the Area Health Education Centers affiliated with eligible UNC and NCICU institutions.

An eligible library or organization may submit up to three applications each year in the EZ Grant or Project Grant categories, or a combination of them.  A “library” is the eligible public library system or administratively separate library in an academic institution.  A public library system is inclusive of all outlets making up that system (e.g. Nantahala Regional Library).  An academic institution is the parent institution of the library (e.g. UNC-Greensboro).  Administratively separate libraries in an academic institution are those libraries with separate administrative and reporting structures within the institution (e.g. the University Library and the Law Library at UNC-Chapel Hill).  If your institution is not eligible to apply, you may be eligible as a partner. 

NC Cardinal Migration Grants

Public libraries not in the NC Cardinal system that meet the eligibility requirements for the Aid to Public Libraries Fund are eligible to apply.

Continuing Education Conference Scholarship Grants

The participant must be employed by a state-aid eligible public library, a community college library, a UNC system library, which includes libraries serving AHECS affiliated with eligible UNC and NCICU institutions, or a North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities member library in North Carolina. Libraries are limited to two (2) in person and  five (5) virtual scholarship applications per year. Regional library systems are limited to four (4) in person and ten (10) virtual scholarship applications per year.  The applications must address how attending the specified conference will address one or more of the LSTA priorities.  Participants are limited to one Continuing Education Conference Scholarship grant during each State Fiscal Year (July-June).  Grant awards are for up to $1,000 for in-state conferences, $2,500 for out-of-state conferences, and $500 for virtual events.

Other Grants & Mini Grants

Mini grants and other grant eligibility may vary, but generally are open to:

•    A public library or library system that meets the eligibility requirements for the Aid to Public Libraries Fund;
•    Community college libraries;
•    North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities member libraries; and
•    University of North Carolina system libraries, which includes libraries serving the Area Health Education Centers affiliated with eligible UNC and NCICU institutions.

Applications will clearly give eligibility requirements.

EZ Grants

EZ Grants are for single year projects.  The minimum that may be requested is $5,000; the maximum is $50,000.

EZ Planning Grants

EZ Planning Grants are for single year projects focused on planning activities, like strategic planning and needs assessments.  The minimum that may be requested is $5,000; the maximum is $50,000.

Project Grants

Project Grants have a two-step process requiring:

  1. A Letter of Intent (LOI) Application, and; 
  2. A full application after the LOI is approved.  

These grants are for more complex projects that may be single or multi-year and are funded at a higher level than EZ Grants.  The minimum that may be requested for Project Grants is $50,000; the maximum is $100,000 for single year projects and $150,000 per year for multi-year projects.

NC Cardinal Migration Grants

NC Cardinal Migration Grants are for public libraries that want to join the NC Cardinal system.  NC Cardinal Migration LSTA Grant applicants must agree to the following:  Participate in the NC Cardinal consortium and share their bibliographic and patron databases;  Participate in NC Cardinal consortium decision making and abide by consortium decisions;  Provide in-person services to all patrons of NC Cardinal libraries in the same manner as to their own patrons; Allow the use of the library name in NC Cardinal official documents and informational sites; and sign the NC Cardinal Memorandum of Agreement. 

Continuing Education Conference Scholarships

Continuing Education Scholarship Grants are designed to provide library staff with opportunities to attend regional or national library conferences which fulfill an identified professional development need for the participant and their role in the library.  Conferences must take place within the grant period (July 1st to June 30th).  The maximum award for in-state conferences is $1,000, for out-of-state conferences is $2,500, and for virtual events $500.  Applications include a budget table for eligible expenses, showing the dollar amount of the award up to those maximums. The scholarship is reimbursable to the attendee’s library after the conference, with receipts.  Reimbursement for scholarships is not to the attendee directly.

Other Grants & Mini Grants

Other grant opportunities may arise throughout the year.  Possible examples include EZ Edge Technology Grant and Community Connections Grant.  Check out the Library Development Newsletter for these announcements.

Special Grants

Special Projects are those that arise on an ad hoc basis which meet the requirements of the LSTA plan and priorities and that have a clear benefit for the libraries of a community of interest or for all of the state’s libraries.

  • Multi-year Project applications may be submitted for a maximum of three years. 
  • Funding is awarded for one year at a time; no project will be guaranteed funding for the second or third years. 
  • Applicants must address plans for sustainability of the program or service after the funding period is over.  
  • In an effort to move the project toward sustainability, the local contribution for all Multi-year Project Grants will increase to 33% in the second year of LSTA funds (a ratio of 1 to 3) and to 50% in the third year of LSTA funds (a ratio of 1 to 2).  
  • Multi-year Projects require quarterly reports and a mid-year monitoring visit before the second or third year’s application may be submitted.  
  • Factors that will determine funding for a second or third year include the grantee’s effectiveness in managing the project such as meeting specified deadlines, completing various reports, etc.
  • Once a Multi-year Project Grant has been awarded, the Letter of Intent is not required for future years of that project.
  • The State Library recognizes that a commitment for future years’ matching funds may not be possible; the intention to provide matching funds in year two or three will suffice in the first year of the application.

Only complete applications will be reviewed.  Complete applications include all required signatures and sections as described in the application instructions.

Grant reviewers will score EZ and Project Grant applications with a rubric, based on the below criteria, and will be used to evaluate users and needs, project description, evaluation, budget, and community impact.

  • Application includes a well-defined benefit or planned benefit to patrons demonstrating it is user-focused. Application makes a compelling case as to why the project is needed in the community. Describe the greater community to be served using demographic statistics, library records, or surveys to support these statements
  • Provides a detailed description of the project, its goals, and its activities. Describe any collaboration planned with other community partner organizations that details benefits to the library and to the community partner organization.
  • Application sets achievable, measurable outcomes, and present a reasonable method to collect data. Applicant present a method to count users of the services, as well as measure the effectiveness of the service.  Use of outcome-based evaluation (OBE) is recommended in addition to output data.
  • Funds requested must be for reasonable, necessary, and allowable costs to achieve the project’s goals; the application should provide rationale to support how the proposed expenditures were determined and why each is needed to achieve the project goals.
  • Shows potential of the project to have long-term benefits and impacts on community(ies), region(s), or social issue(s).
  • Market and financial risk, like supply chain disruption, can be the determining factor in selecting an application for funding
  • The applicant library’s management of prior LSTA grants (such as meeting specified deadlines, completing various reports, adhering to program requirements, etc.) may be a factor in selecting applications for funding.
  • The number, type, and total dollar value of prior LSTA grants the library has received, or is presently involved in, may be a factor in selecting applications for funding in order to promote equity.
  • All other factors being equal, the county distress rankings, as maintained by the NC Department of Commerce, may be a determining factor.

The need should be clearly identified and focused on current or potential library users. Answers to the following questions will help to bring this out:

  • What is the problem you are trying to solve?
  • How do you know this is a problem? Have there been complaints, what have you observed, what leads you to believe this is the problem and not something else?
  • How will this project, implemented in this way, solve the stated problem?

Specific groups of current or potential library users or non-users (audiences) in the library’s service area that may benefit from the LSTA program are:

  • the library’s primary users or audience (i.e. the legal service area for a public library; students, faculty, and staff for an academic library);
  • individuals of diverse geographic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds;
  • individuals with limited functional literacy or information skills; 
  • individuals with disabilities;
  • persons having difficulty using a library;
  • underserved urban and rural communities; and
  • children from families with incomes below the poverty line.

Prior to applying for a grant, prospective applicants should have:

  • Clearly identified a need of current or potential library users using quantitative (numerical/statistical) and qualitative data to support the need;
  • Determined a program or service (the project as described on page 1) that addresses the identified need;
  • Articulated how the proposed activities support the need identified above;
  • Assessed the community to be served and considered/contacted local organizations already representing and serving that community;
  • Established relationships with partners (if any) in the proposed project;
  • Determined that the proposed project is consistent with the library's (and any partner’s) long-range plans, strategic priorities, and local or institutional policies;
  • Determined whether the project should be single-year or multi-year (up to three years in length);
  • Involved all the stakeholders, including the in intended audience and partners (if any) in project planning, decision making, and proposed implementation. For example: include members of the intended audience on a planning committee, invite them to serve in an advisory capacity, conduct interviews or focus groups with them, etc.;
  • Obtained the support and intention or commitment of the applicant’s governing and/or funding bodies regarding sustainability of services once the grant funding has ceased; and
  • A permanent library director is preferred for all applications; it is required at time of award for strategic planning and/or needs assessment applications, which is considered planning. An interim director indicates a period of transition for the library and a library with an interim director at the time of award would not be well-positioned for successful strategic planning and/or needs assessment efforts.

New prospective applicants are encouraged to talk to State Library consultants and/or previous LSTA grant awardees about their grant proposals to gather feedback as their plans take shape.

A collaborative project must be led by the library that will manage the entire project, including making the initial application, acting as fiscal agent, serving as primary contact for the project, maintaining records and paperwork generated by the grant, assuring the successful implementation of the project, and taking responsibility for completion of final reports.  Only libraries may apply for LSTA grants.  

Partnerships are encouraged, though not required, and a reduced match may be available when the project has partners.  To qualify for a reduced match, a partner is defined as a library or non-library entity that will contribute specific deliverables to the project in a new or expanded way than has previously occurred with the partner.  Friends groups or county/organizational departments that already support the library in some way do not meet this definition of a partner, thus a reduced match is not available.  A deliverable may be a cash amount or in-kind contribution such as donated personnel, training space, transportation, supplies, materials, printing, or other items to be used in implementing the project.  

In addition to the partner providing a benefit and impact to the library, it is expected that the partner will also benefit from the partnership.  All parties involved will be informed and clear about the roles and responsibilities of each partner throughout the life of the grant  (pre-award through post-award).  For example, if a partner will provide training, be sure there is agreement on the expected quantity and frequency of classes, such as 2 one-hour classes will be taught each month, totaling 20 classes over 10 months.  

To verify the partner’s contribution, all partner organizations (except the applicant library) will be required to complete and sign the LSTA Partner Statement Form to document the partner’s deliverables to the project.  The form will be provided with the Grant Agreement to libraries that identified partners and proposed a 10% match in their application. 

If there are agencies and organizations that might be considered as obvious partners for the proposed project but that are not included in project development or implementation, the exclusion of such an organization should be explained.  The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of other agencies and organizations that may also provide services to the targeted audience and must show that they were, at a minimum, considered during the planning and grant writing stages of the project. 

Relationships between the partnering institutions are the responsibility of the partners.  The lead/applicant library is responsible for establishing and enforcing any agreements or contracts with partnering institutions, including matching funds commitments and/or who will retain use or ownership of any equipment after the funding period is over.

Grants require matching funds totaling at least 25% of the total project costs (less IDC) OR a reduced match of 10% when the project has eligible partners. Matching funds:

  • Consist of cash expenditures paid by the library.
  • May come from a combination of local or state funds or funds from non-governmental agencies (e.g. foundations, service clubs). Federal funds may not be used as match.
  • May only be spent for allowable expenditures.
  • Must be available at the time a funded library signs the grant agreement.
  • Must be spent during the funding period from July 1 – June 30.
  • The source(s) of matching funds must be clearly identified in the grant application.
  • Indirect Costs may not be charged against Matching Funds.
  • All or part of Indirect Costs may be applied as match in lieu of payment to the library.

To calculate the required match, select method #1 or #2:

  1. Add all budgeted costs together obtain a Total (less IDC). To determine the required match, divide the Total by 4 for 25% match or divide by 10 for a 10% match.
  2. Add all budgeted costs together obtain a Total (less IDC). To determine the required match, multiply the Total by .25 for 25% match or multiply by .10 for a 10% match.


Enter your total project cost (not including any Indirect Costs) and your match percentage to get your local matching funds.

Total Project Cost: $

Required match percentage: %

Required Local Match: $


Cost share for salary and benefits of existing full-time staff who will work on grant funded activities is allowable as follows:

  • Cost share may be used for up to 25% of the required match.
  • Applicants must indicate the role of existing full-time staff member(s) in implementing the project and the hourly pay rate x the number of hours the staff member will work on the project; benefits calculations should be listed separately (not as a lump sum).
  • To be credited toward the match, cost share must be indicated on the Reimbursement Request Form with supporting documentation that provides the name of the staff member, the duties they performed supporting the project, and the hourly pay rate x the number of hours the staff member has worked on the project; benefits calculations should be listed separately (not as a lump sum).
  • For example, if the required match is $10,000, the maximum cost share that may be applied is $2,500 if the full award is claimed.

For EZ and Project grants, here is a general list of allowable expenditures.  This list is not exhaustive, but includes most items.

  • Consulting or contractual services – applicants must select the consultant before the application is submitted and demonstrate in the application that the proposed consultant is qualified to perform the needed work or service; the selected consultant is subject to State Library approval; 
  • Evaluation to show the extent to which the project has met its goals; 
  • Furnishings1 that are necessary to support the project;
  • Hardware, software, and/or technology1 necessary to support the project;
  • Indirect costs;
  • Library materials1 that are necessary to support the project;
  • Outsourcing for digitization of specialized items may be allowable when provided with the rationale for doing so and showing that this approach is appropriate and cost effective;
  • Postage and printing costs for project materials;
  • Salaries and benefits for temporary staff to be employed for the project OR temporary staff to be employed to cover duties of full-time personnel while the full-time person works on the project.  Temporary staff means part-time or full-time personnel hired specifically to help carry out the project, or additional hours for existing part-time staff.  The project description should clearly explain the need for added staff. 
  • Supplies necessary to support the project;
  • Travel and/or training expenses related to the project for library or project staff;
  • Vehicles2 for bookmobiles, library outreach, mobile libraries etc.; and
  • Other expenses that are reasonable and necessary to support the project.

1Funds for any of these items may be requested under this grant program when combined with a new program or service that is the primary purpose of the project; acquisition of these items should not be the primary purpose of the project.

2Due to supply chain disruptions to procurement as of September 2023, it is currently believed that vehicle-centered projects would not be successful within the July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 grant period and are unlikely to be funded.  While vehicle-based projects are not currently unallowable, please keep in mind that the supply chain will be taken under consideration during review. A consultation with the Federal Programs Consultant, Catherine Prince, is recommended.

Note: While promotional activities are an important aspect of many projects, there are federal restrictions limiting promotional and marketing costs. Applicants are encouraged to review the IMLS Guidance – Advertising, PR, Promotional Materials document and discuss any questions regarding allowability of proposed expenditures for promotional efforts with State Library staff.

Grantees are required to conduct all procurement transactions in a manner providing full and open competition consistent with the federal standards of 2 CFR 200 Subpart D.  Local and state provisions may be more stringent.  State requirements are available upon request.


For Continuing Education Conference Scholarship grants, allowable expenses include:

  • Conference registration (pre-conference registration is not allowable);
  • Lodging;
  • Airfare or mileage; rental car fee;
  • Airline baggage fees limited to 1 bag fee in each direction of travel;
  • Airport shuttle, taxi, or public transportation fees.

Further guidance can be found in the Scholarship Guide. 


For all other grants, the grant announcement will clearly describe allowable expenses.

The following list of unallowable expenditures is not exhaustive but includes most items.

  • Activities or programs about advocacy, grant writing, or lobbying with a purpose of increasing funding and/or whose primary purpose is to establish a general message that 'libraries are good places and deserve to exist';
  • Architectural plans for existing or new buildings;
  • Collection development activities;
  • Construction or pre-construction planning;
  • Construction or renovation of facilities (generally, any activity involving contract labor in the construction trades is not allowable);
  • Conventional arrangement, description, or cataloging of materials;
  • Costs associated with content management systems (such as CONTENTdm);
  • Digitizing runs of newspapers;
  • Events, festivals, staff training, or acquisition of collections when any of these are the majority of requested funds;
  • Fundraising costs;
  • General advertising or public relations costs not specific to LSTA-funded activities;
  • General operating support; 
  • Ongoing expenditures such as subscriptions, utilities, Internet access, or other services;
  • Pre-award costs;
  • Preservation activities or materials (reformatting of media, preservation enclosures including boxes and folders, etc.);
  • Promotional items and memorabilia including gifts, incentives, and souvenirs;
  • Refreshments, entertainment, ceremonies, receptions, or social events;
  • Retrospective conversion of catalog records;
  • Salaries, wages, and/or benefits for existing full-time employees;
  • Services or software licenses that extend beyond the project’s June 30 funding period;
  • Sub-awards; and
  • Other expenses prohibited by state or federal regulations.

Indirect Costs may only be charged against LSTA funds; Indirect Costs may not be charged against Matching Funds or Cost Share in this program.

What are Indirect Costs? Indirect Costs are unrecovered expenses incurred by a library as a result of being awarded a grant such as the costs for general telephone service, general utilities, postage, office supplies, office space expenses, various equipment, etc. as well as administrative or financial operations such as payroll or purchasing. For example: salaries for HR staff that help hire a grant funded position, the electricity costs for keeping a building open longer for a program, and costs to issue a paycheck for grant funded staff may all be Indirect Costs.

Each applicant library must select one of the following options.

  • Option 1: The library chooses not to include Indirect Costs. This means the library will not ask for reimbursement of indirect cost related to this grant.
  • Option 2: The library chooses a rate not to exceed 10% of modified total Direct Costs AND declares it is eligible for the 10% rate. If you are unsure whether the 10% option applies to your library and you would like to consider it, consult the regulations and your organization’s grants, finance, and/or legal department to determine how to proceed.
  • Option 3: The library has a rate of _____ % that has been negotiated with a federal agency; a copy of current the negotiated indirect cost rate agreement must be on file with the State Library

For EZ and Project Grants, and some other grants, the application includes a section in which you will describe your budget within these categories narratively, and a budget table in which you will provide the matching and LSTA funds totals. Use the SLNC Budget Form to create your budget and use the Budget Instructions to help categorize and use the form.

All LSTA expenditures (grant and matching) fall into one of the following six categories.

Includes salaries, wages and benefits paid to staff at the lead library that are contributing to the project.  This includes temporary staff to be employed for the project OR temporary staff to be employed to cover the duties of full-time personnel while the full-time person works on the project.  Temporary means part-time or full-time personnel hired specifically to help carry out the project, or additional hours for existing part-time staff.  The project description in the application should clearly explain the need for added staff.

This also includes Cost Share for salary and benefits of existing full-time staff who will work on grand-funded activities.  Cost Share may be used for up to 25% of the required match.  Applicants must indicate the role of existing full-time staff member(s) in implementing the project and the hourly pay rate X the number of hours the staff member will work on the project; benefits calculations should be listed separately (not as a lump sum).

Consultant Fees
All expenses related to acquiring the services of a consultant for a specific activity within the project are included in this category.  Include all fees, travel, accommodations, and support services incurred and invoiced by the consultant.

Travel (library staff)
Travel costs must be related to the project activities and incurred by library staff of the lead library working on the project.  Costs include airfare, ground transportation, accommodations, meals, etc.; include number of travelers and types of travel expenditures. Conference registration costs is included in the Services category

Includes costs for consumable items necessary to carry out the project, such as print books, e-books, audiobooks, DVDs and/or technology or hardware such as computers, laptops, tablets, printers, e-readers, etc. with a per item cost under $5,000.  (If a per-item cost is over $5,000, it belongs in the Equipment category, below.) 

Equipment - Exceeds $5,000 per item
Only nonexpendable, tangible property with a per item acquisition cost over $5,000 should be categorized as Equipment.  Note that each item requires written approval from the State Library prior to purchase, and each item will be inventoried annually for the remainder of its useful life.

Services include activities provided by a third-party contractor or vendor, including conference registration costs.  In the application, provide the name of the service, the vendor, and the cost.

Indirect Costs
Indirect costs may not be charged against matching funds or Cost Share.  There are three options for indirect costs:
Option 1:  The library chooses not to include Indirect Costs.  
Option 2:  The library chooses a rate not to exceed 10% of modified total Direct Costs AND declares it is eligible for the 10% rate. 
Option 3: The library has a rate of _____ % that has been negotiated with a federal agency; supporting documentation will be required with the Grant Agreement.  

The State Library will advertise grant opportunities.  Applicants then apply by the deadline. Complete applications will be reviewed and evaluated by State Library Consultants and Senior Management according to the grant program criteria. Funding recommendations will be submitted to the State Librarian; the State Librarian will make final funding decisions. If awarded, the State Library will create an Agreement package, which is emailed to the grantee. The grantee then completes the Agreement package, which includes various signatures and required documents.  The State Librarian will then sign the Agreement. After the awardee is notified that the agreement has been executed (and after July 1st), then spending may begin. Until then, no funding can be encumbered or spent.  Funds spent prior to the agreement being executed will not be reimbursed. 

The grantee then begins spending.  The Agreement outlines the reimbursement process, which will include that either a single reimbursement request or periodic reimbursement requests be submitted.  A general reimbursement request form is available on our website; however, for conference scholarships and mini grants, a customized reimbursement form will be included in your executed Agreement email. 

Grant payments are made on a reimbursement basis. Libraries pay expenses using local funds, submit a Reimbursement Request with paid invoices, then are reimbursed for actual, documented expenses up to the grant award amount.

  • Grant reimbursements will only be paid for expenses incurred after July 1 AND a fully executed grant agreement is in place; no grant or matching funds may be committed or expended until library representatives and the State Librarian have signed the grant agreement.
  • Grantees are expected to submit quarterly Reimbursement Request Forms with appropriate documentation of eligible grant and matching expenditures, beginning on (or before) October 15, January 15, and April 15.
  • Grantees are expected to request a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the award amount and provide documentation for seventy-five percent (75%) of the required match by April 15.
  • All grant and matching funds must be spent by June 30.
  • Final Reimbursement Requests are due by July 15. 

For Conference Scholarships and some other mini-grants, you’ll be asked to complete a final report prior to submitting your reimbursement request.  It is usually a short narrative regarding your experience with the grant. The State Library staff lead will contact you with final report information.

EZ, Project, and other grants (as specified) will require a different, more thorough final report, as outlined in the Agreement, which will be required before the close of the grant cycle.  The report will include a review of the project’s accomplishments, the outcomes/benefits for users, and information about how grant and matching funds were spent. Applicants are encouraged to review the final report guide to develop an evaluation and reporting plan.

Planning Grant awardees will also submit a final copy of the written plan to the State Library with their Final Report; it will be kept on file in accordance with federal records retention requirements.  Additional Project Status Reports for these grants are required either mid-year or quarterly per the Agreement.

The Agreement procedures are generally the same for all LSTA grants.

The State Library prepares an agreement package which includes the agreement itself, and Certification Regarding Suspension and Debarment.  If applicable to your grant, the agreement package may also include a CIPA compliance form, No Overdue Tax Debts statement, LSTA Partner Statement, or other documentation. 

To make it easier for signatures to be gathered in a timely fashion, agreement packages are sent via DocuSign.  The Library Director receives the documentation first, then after checking the cover page for accuracy, the Library Director will attach the library’s/agency’s Conflict of Interest policy (if needed), Federally Negotiated Rate documentation (if needed), and any other documents, then sign the agreement.  If we have the current Conflict of Interest policy from previous/recent grants, we don’t need it again until there is a change. The agreement package is then automatically sent to the 2nd signer, which is the Local Government or Institutional Representative for the awarded library.  Once that person signs, the agreement package is then sent automatically to the State Librarian for execution.  Once the State Librarian has signed, all parties receive a completed copy from DocuSign.  Please keep this for your records.  

LSTA Staff will then email the Project Manager a notification that spending may begin, which includes important information about administering the grant, and any necessary attachments.  

Then, the project can begin!

The requirement for institutions to have a DUNS number in order to receive federal funds is changing. To receive federal funds as a grant recipient, a library/system must register in the federal System for Award Management (SAM) at and obtain a new, non-proprietary Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) by April 4, 2022.

As of April 4, 2022, libraries and systems must have a UEI to apply for and receive federal grant funds.

For more information regarding the transition, please read our transition guidance.

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