Join NC Cardinal
In order to be eligible to join NC Cardinal, you must:
- be a public library; and
- meet the requirements to qualify for grants from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund
NC Cardinal Migration Grant applicants must agree to:
- Participate in the NC Cardinal consortium and share catalog and patron information;
- Participate in NC Cardinal consortium decision making and agree to implement consortium decisions;
- Provide in-person services to all patrons of NC Cardinal libraries in the same manner as to their own patrons;
- Allow the use of the library name in NC Cardinal official documents and informational sites; and
- Sign the NC Cardinal Memorandum of Agreement.
Library Directors interested in joining the NC Cardinal consortium may request the guidelines and application instructions for more information on the program.
Libraries interested in joining NC Cardinal may be interested in our documentation for libraries migrating into NC Cardinal.

LSTA grant awards are made possible by funding from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-253645-OLS-23). LSTA grants are awarded in response to specific needs of public, academic and community college libraries. These federal funds are investments that help libraries deliver relevant and up-to-date services to their communities.