Report Data

Reporting Resources

Tab/Accordion Items

FY24 Instruction Manual 

The instruction manual includes the full data element definitions, notes on pre-filled and/or locked fields, auto-calculated field formulas and modifications to data elements for this fiscal year. The document will open in Microsoft Word with content navigation functionality. Each section is separated by page breaks for easy printing and sharing if needed. Additional columns are included to allow for notes and annotations while completing the survey. Please note all data must be submitted electronically through LibPAS. 

LibPAS data Input Instructions  

LibPAS Reports Instructions

Sample Program Tracking Form

Make a copy of this Google Form and adapt to fit your library as needed while retaining the PLS data element information.

FY2024 Training

FY24 Public Libraries Survey Overview

 This training covers the purpose of the survey, deadlines, an overview of each survey section and common errors, as well as modifications for FY24. This session is ideal for new data coordinators or those that want a refresher on the entire survey process.  

Webinar Resources:
FY24 LibPAS Data Input

This session provides an overview of reporting data in the LibPAS platform. Learn how to navigate the software, access support documents, and discover tools to assist data entry and verification.

Webinar Resources:


Prior Training

FY23 LibPAS Reporting Webinar Recording Password: jA8zfqjz      

Click here to schedule a one-on-one virtual session to discuss questions specific to your library. Please note these session times are only available during the annual reporting period, July 15-September 15. If you would like a session outside of these dates please email Amanda Johnson.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tab/Accordion Items

An outlet is a library location that has public service hours, assigned staff, and a collection. Currently, kiosks, lockers and other self-service locations do not meet the criteria to be added as an outlet. Assign any data generated by a self-service location to an outlet that exists on the Public Library Survey.  The chosen outlet may have a connection to the self-service location such as restocking or maintenance. If a connection between an outlet and the self-service location does not exist, the outlet reporting the self-service location data may be chosen at random as long as data is assigned consistently to the same outlet. 

All hours that the outlet is open should be included in Public Service Hours. Exclude holidays, planned closures,  and extended unplanned closures. Please use judgement in excluding unplanned closures, generally a closure that extends beyond one day.

Report only funds withdrawn within the fiscal year for library purchases as other income. Principle balances of trusts and foundations should not be reported on the PLS. 


Platforms that have a patron-driven model refers to products where the library purchases access to a catalog or collection of materials and pays a fee for each item borrowed by users. Only materials that are requested by patrons should be counted in the collection count section by format (ie collection count by format and usage by format should be the same numbers). Use the vendor provided usage reports to determine collection counts and circulation.  

Patron-driven products are reported in this manner to provide a more accurate picture into how many items were purchased by the library. Including the entire catalog of materials available distorts the relationship between expenditures for electronic materials and materials available and provides an misleading information on the number of items available. While the entire catalog of items is available patrons, purchasing limits restrict how many items can be accessed.

Every July, NC LIVE provides collection numbers and usage statistics to the State Library for the Public Library Survey. For 2024 this data will include usage statistics and collection numbers for the HomeGrown OverDrive collection for July 2023 - June 2024 which are also available through your library's Overdrive platform causing duplication with local and NC Live reported collections and usage.
Public libraries should report all of their normal OverDrive usage and collection numbers to the State Library.  The State Library will then subtract NC LIVE's HomeGrown OverDrive stats from the numbers that public libraries report to avoid duplication after the survey period ends. The State Library will notify libraries when the adjustment has been made and final numbers are available.

A synchronous program session is any planned event which introduces the group attending to library services or which provides information to participants. Program sessions may cover use of the library, library services, or library tours. Program sessions may also provide cultural, recreational, or educational information. Examples of these types of program sessions include, but are not limited to, film showings, lectures, story hours, literacy programs, citizenship classes, and book discussions. 

Table with examples of events to include and exclude