
This section contains national and locally published magazines available to registered library patrons by subscription in braille, large print and audio.

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Magazine Period Format Description
Short Stories monthly braille Stories from contemporary writers. (UK)
Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine bimonthly ebraille (BARD), braille A literary magazine specializing in crime and detective fiction, includes original short works, reviews of lengthier mystery works, and mystery-themed contests and puzzles.
Prevention Magazine monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) A live-better handbook and guide to feeling your best, head to toe, inside and out through trustworthy expert advice, fresh ideas, and health secrets.
Guideposts bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) A magazine that will move and inspire with personal, heartwarming stories and faith-affirming articles that show anything is possible with hope, faith and prayer.
Mother Jones 6 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) A nonprofit American progressive magazine focusing on news, commentary, and investigative journalism on topics including politics, environment, human rights, health and culture.
Better Homes and Gardens monthly ebraille (BARD), braille A resource for home ideas, food and recipes for everyday and special occasions, and garden know-how.
Contemporary Sound Track: A Review of Pop, Jazz, Rock, and Country bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) A sampler of articles from national music magazines.
Crossword Extravaganza triannually ebraille (BARD), braille A wealth of fun, challenging crosswords with dozens of themed selections from The Crosswords Club and Dell Crosswords, includes 20 variety crosswords such as Cryptics, About-Face, Stenographic, Punanagrams, and more.
The Economist 51 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Also available in digital text from the Economist. Insights and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science and technology, and the arts. (UK)
Braille Chess Magazine quarterly braille Also available in digital text from the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) (UK). Articles on chess; news of current trends and competitions.
Braille Music Magazine monthly braille Also available in digital text from the Royal National Institute of Blind People (UK). Articles about classical music for professional and amateur musicians; reviews of new braille music publications.
Conundrum monthly braille Also available in digital text from the Royal National Institute of Blind People (UK). Crossword and logic puzzles, anagrams, sudoku, and general-knowledge quizzes.
Rolling Stone 12 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille American popular culture in the arts and entertainment industry. Provides music, video, movie, and electronics reviews.
Foreign Affairs bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Analysis of issues by statesmen, diplomats, and scholars, and trends in international politics, law, and economics.
Braille Book Review bimonthly digital text, ebraille (BARD), braille Announcements of braille books recently added to the collection of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) as well as news and developments in library services for people who are blind. Braille edition includes a list of books listed in Talking Book Topics and a braille order form.
Talking Book Topics bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), digital text Announcements of recorded books recently added to the Library of Congress collection and news and developments in library services for people who are visually impaired or have a physical disability. Audio edition often includes the text of NLS News. A list of books listed in Talking Book Topics are included in the braille edition of Braille Book Review.
Audubon 5 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Appreciation, understanding, and preservation of the natural world, particularly birds and their habitats.
National Geographic Kids 10 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Articles for children about people, places, customs, animals, and plants.
National Review 24 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Articles on business, politics, economics, education, and other subjects from a conservative viewpoint.
Bon Appétit 10 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Articles on cooking, entertainment, and travel; recipes from well-known restaurants.
Good Housekeeping monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Articles on family and home management with features on food and decorating.
The Nation 35 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Articles on foreign affairs, local and national politics, education, and law. Reviews films, theater, books, and the arts.
Wildlife in North Carolina bimonthly digital audio (cartridge) Articles on hunting, fishing, conservation, wildlife preservation, and public areas and natural wonders to be explored.
The Atlantic Monthly 10 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Articles on politics and current issues; fiction by contemporary American writers.
Scout Life monthly ebraille (BARD), braille Articles on the outdoors, sports, and hobbies, plus adventure fiction and humor, for ages nine through sixteen. Published by the Boy Scouts of America.
Smithsonian 11 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Articles on the topics and subject matters researched, studied, and exhibited by the Smithsonian museums.
Travel & Leisure monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Articles on vacation sites and tour destinations, with tips on food and photography.
National Geographic 12 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Articles on world geography and cultures, plant and animal life, space exploration, and ancient history.
Golf Digest monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Authority on how to play, what to play, and where to play golf.
People 52 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Celebrity news and interviews.
Poetry 11 issues/year ebraille (BARD), braille Contemporary poetry selected from a wide range of contributors and styles.
Scientific American monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Covers the most important and exciting research, ideas and knowledge in science, health, technology, the environment and society.
Wax Poetics semiannually digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Created by a group of writers and record diggers to tell the stories behind beatdigging culture and to help contextualize what people were listening to, by looking back at where the music came from and the stories behind it.
Health Newsletters monthly ebraille (BARD), braille Current health concerns, medical information, nutrition, and stress management from Harvard Health Letter 12 times/year; University of California Berkeley Wellness Letter 15 times/year, and the Mayo Clinic Health Letter 12 times/year.
Animal Wellness Magazine bimonthly ebraille (BARD), braille Educational content to help your beautiful dog and cat live the most naturally long, healthy, and happy life possible.
Science News: Magazine of the Society for Science and the Public 24 issues/year ebraille (BARD), braille Excerpts of reports on current programs in science, medicine, and technology.
Jack and Jill bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Exciting stories, educational articles, and creative activities published for children. For ages six through twelve.
Consumer Reports: On Health monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Expert reviews and ratings for health, fitness, and food products from Consumer Reports, and the latest on drugs, hospital safety, and more.
Harper’s Bazaar monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Fashion magazine with features on cosmetics, lifestyle, events, celebrities, travel, and relationships.
American Indian quarterly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Featuring Native American art and culture, this engages its readers with diverse articles about the histories of American Indian nations and the contemporary challenges facing Native peoples across the Western Hemisphere.
Cook’s Illustrated bimonthly ebraille (BARD), braille From America’s Test Kitchen. Includes recipes and tips on cooking.
Choice Magazine Listening quarterly digital download (BARD) From Choice Magazine Listening; free, must be registered with NLS. Anthology of unabridged articles, poetry, and fiction from more than 100 magazines.
Horticulture: The Art and Science of Smart Gardening bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Gardening trends, products, and projects for amateur gardeners.
Harper’s Magazine monthly ebraille (BARD), braille General culture magazine with articles by well-known writers on politics, international affairs, education, and science. Includes short stories, satire, and poetry.
Kiplinger Personal Finance monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille General-interest articles on managing finances, including taxes, investment options, real estate, insurance, and retirement planning.
Kiplinger Retirement Report monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) General-interest articles on practical strategies to grow retirement savings, make money last during retirement, maximize Social Security and Medicare benefits, and other retirement-related topics.
Psychology Today bi-monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) General-interest psychology magazine representing a variety of approaches.
The New York Times Large Print Weekly 52 issues/year ebraille (BARD), braille Highlights from the New York Times.
Consumer Reports monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) In-depth articles that rate consumer products tested for quality, durability, and safety. Also features general-interest topics such as health and money management.
PC World monthly ebraille (BARD), braille Information for computer users about hardware, software, advanced technology, and trends in the field; columns on product reviews and helpful hints.
Piano Technicians Journal monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Information on the piano industry’s latest innovations, products, and technologies. Official publication of the Piano Technicians Guild.
Guideposts monthly ebraille (BARD), braille Inspirational stories from Guideposts Associate, Inc. Also available in large print.
Sports Illustrated 11 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) International sports news and articles with emphasis on American spectator sports. Features on sports personalities and events and outdoor activities.
Baseball Digest bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Keeps subscribers up-to-date with current action while infusing the rich history of the game in each issue.
Essence bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Lifestyle magazine covering fashion, beauty, entertainment, and culture, written for African American women.
Sports Schedules annually ebraille (BARD), braille Listings of games for six national sports leagues: American Baseball League, National Baseball League, National Basketball Association, National Football League, National Hockey League, and Women’s National Basketball Association. Includes combined schedule by date for the American and National Baseball Leagues.
The New York Times Book Review 52 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Literary articles and book reviews from the Sunday New York Times.
Popular Music Lead Sheets quarterly NLS website, braille Melodies, lyrics, and chords to popular songs, from golden oldies to recent hits.
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: World’s Leading Mystery Magazine bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Mystery stories by established authors in the field and by new, previously unpublished writers.
The Week: The Best of U.S. and International Media 48 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) News and commentary on world events.
Wired monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) News and opinions concerning technology industries and the digital environment.
AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin Magazine, 6/issues/year; Bulletin, 10 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) News and short articles from AARP
NLS News quarterly digital audio (cartridge, with Talking Book Topics), digital text, ebraille (BARD), standard print, braille NLS newsletter.
Quarterly Music Magazine quarterly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) NLS program designed to provide a limited substitute for newsstand browsing. Readers are sent a different music magazine each quarter. Covers a variety of aspects and types of music, such as opera, jazz, and country, and instruments such as guitar and keyboard.
True West: Preserving the American West 10 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Nonfiction articles about the Old West written by historians and western buffs.
Our State monthly digital audio (cartridge) North Carolina history, folklore, and current events.
Yankee Magazine 6 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Offers an insider’s perspective on the region’s people, traditions, and lifestyle with special focus on its unique travel destinations, history, and culinary delights.
Oklahoma Today bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Oklahoma people, places, food, art, and culture.
Missouri Conservationist monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Outdoor life and conservation management in Missouri
Make quarterly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Part of the maker movement, publishes projects, skill-building tutorials, in-depth reviews and inspirational stories, accessible by all ages and skill ranges.
Laine quarterly ebraille (BARD), braille Patterns from leading knitwear designers; insightful, long-format stories from the world of wool; interviews; seasonal recipes; and strong, visual storytelling.
Popular Mechanics 10 issues/year ebraille (BARD), braille Practical advice for amateur mechanics, information on automotive and home repairs, and features on new equipment.
Overseas Outlook biannual digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Produced by NLS, Overseas Outlook is a newsletter for patrons living outside the United States. Its contents also may be useful for all NLS patrons.
QST: Devoted Entirely to Amateur Radio monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Project-building ideas and news on all aspects of ham radio. Official publication of the American Radio Relay League.
International Living Magazine monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Provides a scope and depth of information about global travel, living, retiring, investing, and real estate.
Cooking Light quarterly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Quick and healthy recipes, nutrition tips, entertaining menus, and fitness guides to help all make smart choices for a healthy lifestyle.
The Sun Magazine monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Radically intimate and socially conscious writing being published today, celebrating life and its complexity, with personal essays, short stories, interviews, poetry, and photographs.
Southern Living 13 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Recipes, guides to local travel, decorating ideas, inspiration, and gardening tips tailored specifically to the region’s climate.
Sound & Vision: Where Technology Becomes Entertainment bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Reports on new sound equipment and album reviews, with emphasis on popular music.
North Carolina Historical Review quarterly digital audio (cartridge) Scholarly articles about North Carolina history; reviews of books of regional interest.
Discover 10 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Science news and articles exploring current events and future views on topics such as technology, space, the environment, health, and medicine.
Muse: The Magazine of Life, the Universe, and Pie Throwing 9 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Science, art, archaeology, and history activities for ages nine through fourteen; includes contests, book and media reviews.
Musical Mainstream quarterly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Selected articles from national magazines about classical music, music criticism, and music teaching; announces new NLS music acquisitions.
Health and Nutrition Newsletters monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Selections on medical conditions of special interest to older adults, nutritional information, and ways to maintain good health. Publication includes Scientific American Health after 50, Mayo Clinic Health Letter, and Nutrition Action Healthletter.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Short stories, novelettes, and features with science-fiction themes.
Asimov’s Science Fiction bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Short stories, novelettes, and features with science-fiction themes.
Reader's Digest 10 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Short stories, political commentary, and other general interest topics; some articles are condensed from print magazines. Contains anecdotes, humor, and a condensed book.
Selecciones del Reader’s Digest monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Spanish-language version of Reader’s Digest.
FIYAH Literary Magazine quarterly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Speculative fiction magazine that features stories by and about Black people of the African Diaspora.
Vital Speeches of the Day monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Speeches of recognized leaders of public opinion on current and national concerns.
Sports Illustrated Kids 11 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Sports news and articles for ages eight through thirteen. Features sports personalities, events, and cards; youths who are excelling in athletics; and a regular column by youths discussing controversial sports-related issues.
Cricket: The Realm of Imagination 9 issues/year ebraille (BARD), braille Stories, poems, and articles by internationally known authors, plus songs, jokes, and crafts. For ages nine through fourteen.
Humpty Dumpty bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Stories, poems, cartoons, puzzles, games, recipes, and crafts for kids ages three to five who are learning to read independently.
Stone Soup: The Magazine by Young Writers and Artists 11 issues/year ebraille (BARD), braille Stories, poems, illustrations, and book reviews created by children ages eight through thirteen. Features an activities section with suggested related projects.
Spider: The Magazine for Children 9 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD), ebraille (BARD), braille Stories, poems, jokes, and crafts for beginning readers ages six through nine.
Bookmarks bimonthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Summaries of hundreds of opinions from every major newspaper and magazine for a comprehensive look at 50 new fiction, nonfiction, and children's books, all designed to give the reader the information needed to make the best reading choices.
Friends 6 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) The official publication of Best Friends Animal Society, a national nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving the lives of homeless pets, containing stories and tales of rescue.
Magnolia Journal 4 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) The quarterly magazine by Chip and Joanna Gaines with inspiration for life and home, containing stories, recipes, tips, and useful information.
The New Yorker 52 issues/year digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Timely articles on a number of topics. Includes short fiction, poetry, and cartoons.
Harvard Men's Health Watch monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Timely information in the new age of men’s health and medicine.
Harvard Women's Health Watch monthly digital audio (cartridge), digital download (BARD) Timely information in the new age of women’s health and medicine.
Carolina Country monthly digital audio (cartridge) Articles on conservation, travel, cooking, hobbies, book reviews, history, farming, and other items of interest in North Carolina.
Catnip monthly digital audio (cartridge) The quintessential magazine for cat lovers; monthly report of the latest news and information on an array of topics, with a focus on diet and nutrition, and health and behavior. From Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.
Grit Magazine bimonthly digital audio (cartridge) Each issue includes helpful features, humorous and inspiring articles, captivating photos, gardening and cooking advice, do yourself projects, and the practical reader advice you would expect to find in America's premier rural lifestyle magazine
Tar Heel Talk quarterly digital audio (cartridge) Newsletter of North Carolina Accessible Books and Library Services; contains news, features, and lists of North Carolina volunteerproduced titles
Your Dog monthly digital audio (cartridge) Your Dog, from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, is your resource for the latest in dog health and training.
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