September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!

Did you know there are over 5 million active public library cardholders in North Carolina? A North Carolina public library card provides access to millions of online resources accessible 24/7 through NC Live, NC Kids and other digital resource libraries and so much more! Want to use a computer, check out a video, or meet others at a program? NC public libraries provided nearly 1 million public service hours last year and welcomed just under 20 million visitors!
In addition to signing up for a library card at your local library, as a resident of North Carolina, you can also sign up for a library card from the Government & Heritage Library, part of the State Library of North Carolina (SLNC). You can access online materials and databases, watch videos and documentaries, research your family history, and check out materials in the Library's circulating collection!
Spotlight on SLNC Accessible Books & Library Services

SLNC Accessible Books & Library Services is a library that serves those who cannot use regular print materials because of a visual, physical, or reading disability. This includes those whose visual impairment, either permanent or temporary, cannot be corrected with reading glasses or those with a physical disability that prevents them from turning pages or holding a book. People with reading disabilities such as dyslexia also qualify. Facilities serving qualified persons, such as public libraries, schools, and nursing homes, are eligible as well. Click here to learn more and sign up for service. You can also check out the Tar Heel Talk newsletter with the latest from the Library, available in a variety of accessible formats!
Wayne County Public Library's Learning Studio

Did you know Wayne County Public Library lends speech therapy devices, communication boards, transcription pens, adaptive scissors, and more for families with individuals with learning differences? They also partner with other organizations to offer free tutoring. Learn more in the latest issue of "The Library's Doing What Now?".
America 250 Grants

The NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources America 250 NC team is accepting grant applications between now and November 1, 2024 for two grant programs. These include grants for Community Programs and for County Committees. See details on the America 250 website.
Upcoming Events

Family History Fair: Harvesting Heritage
Date: October 26, 2024 Time: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
The State Library and the State Archives of North Carolina invite you to the 2024 NC Family History Fair. This year’s theme is Harvesting Heritage, and the event will focus on foodways and oral histories as sources of connection and preservation of history. Join librarians, archivists, and other experts as they celebrate North Carolina's culinary traditions and offer insight into “harvesting” heritage through oral histories and genealogical research. This in-person event will take place at 109 E Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601. Click here to see event details.