Talking Book Player and Accessories
Request an NLS Digital Talking Book Player to read your NLS and locally recorded audio books and magazines from NOBLE. If you need a player email or call 1-888-388-2460.
If you have hearing issues, NLS has a high-volume player. To get the high-volume player make a request using the high-volume player eligibility form - fillable PDF.
If you already have a player you can keep it updated with the latest features and problem fixes by downloading the latest digital talking book player firmware. Read the page carefully and follow the instructions.
If your just getting started or want to learn more about how to operate or use the various features on the NLS Digital Talking Book Player check out the Helpful Information section.
NLS Accessories
If you have a player you can take advantage of downloading books and magazines from BARD or locally recorded materials from NOBLE and play them on your digital player using an NLS recommended digital cartridge. These cartridges are available for purchase from the following vendors:
- American Printing House for the Blind - Order online from their catalog - and do a search for "Digital Talking Book Cartridge" or call (800) 223-1839 and ask for a Digital Talking Book Cartridge
- Perkins School for the Blind - Order online from their online store and select Talking Book Accessories or call 978-462-3817 and ask for a Digital Talking Book Cartridge
- Howell Mobility Products - Order online from their catalog
NLS has a specially made USB cable that allows you to attach a digital talking book cartridge to a computer. Call (888-388-2460) or email ( the library and ask for one free of charge.
NLS has a specially made USB angle adapter that allows an USB thumb drive to be flush with the side of the side of the NLS Digital Talking Book Player. Call (888-388-2460) or email ( the library and ask for one free of charge.
If you need a pair of headphones for your player, Call (888-388-2460) or email ( the library and ask for a pair free of charge.
Third-Party Talking Book Players
As an alternative or for an additional player there are third-party devices that can be purchased. Please NOTE: The mention of a product or service here does not constitute endorsement by the library. Our intent is to increase an awareness of programs and items which may be helpful to our patrons. To use one of these players you will need to have an active BARD account so that you can download materials. Currently there are five devices available commercially that can play downloaded NLS books from BARD. The following NLS compatible players can be ordered by contacting:
Book Port Plus
American Printing House for the Blind
1-800-223-1839 (toll free)
Braille Plus Mobile Manager
American Printing House for the Blind
1-800-223-1839 (toll free)
Milestone by Bones, Inc.
Contact MaxiAids
1- 800-522-6294
PlexTalk Pocket
Shinano Kenshi Corporation
Victor Reader Stream
Contact Indigo Logix in Durham –
1-877-282-2981 (toll free)
919-317-8960 (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill)
Please note that although the players are compatible to play NLS books they still require an encryption key to actually play the books that is supplied by the manufacturer to you through email, either after setting up a new BARD account or adding a player to an existing BARD account. Once your player is set up for BARD, check out NOBLE and download local recordings.
The library has created a section with helpful information for using a Third-Party Player to read NLS Books and Magazines. Information provided is to allow you to play books downloaded from BARD only.
The following is a list of Third-Party Player Support contacts for the three most commonly purchased players used with NLS Digital Talking Books:
Braille Plus Mobile Manager
American Printing House for the Blind
Phone: 800-223-1839
Web site:
Web site:
Please note, once the Third-Party Player Key has been authorized on a for purchase player, the Library and NLS BARD technical support at provides minimal support for third-party products. Patrons should consult their player's documentation or contact the vendor for technical assistance, including help with installing the player key. Due to differences in Downloading and transferring BARD content to purchased players from the NLS digital talking book player, the vendor of the particular third-party for purchase player is in the best position to provide technical support for their own products.