On Display: America 250

Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
Running from bondage : enslaved women and their remarkable fight for freedom in Revolutionary America Cook, Karen Bell 2023 NC Research Room 973.082 B433r 3.3091E+13
Choosing sides : loyalists in revolutionary America Chopra, Ruma 2016 NC Research Room 973.314 C549c 33091008398091
Following the drum: women at the Valley Forge encampment Loane, Nancy 2020 Adult Nonfiction 973.082 L795f 3.3091E+13
Colonial Complexions: race and bodies in Eighteenth-Century America Block, Sharon 2018 NC Research Room 305.800973 B651c 3.3091E+13
Belonging to the Army: camp followers and community during the American Revolution Mayer, Holly A. 1999 Adult Storage Nonfiction 973.38 M468b 3.3091E+13
The American Liberty Pole: poular politics and the struggle for democracy in the early republic Lurie, Shira 2023 Adult Nonfiction 306.20973 L967a 3.3091E+13
An Explorer's Guide to America's Revolutionary War: revolutionary towns, battlefields, important leaders, iconic places Dunkerly, Robert M. 2022 Adult Nonfiction 917.4 D919e 33091008396780
Enterprising Women: gender, race, and power in the revolutionary Atlantic Candlin, Kit; Pybus, Cassandra 2018 Adult Storage Nonfiction 972.00082 C218e 3.3091E+13
Women of the Constitution: wives of the signers McKenney, Janice E. 2013 Adult Storage Nonfiction 973.309252 M155w 33091008398455
Seven Myths of the American Revolution Piecuch, Jim 2023 Adult Storage Nonfiction 973.31 S497s 3.3091E+13
British Soldiers American War: voices of the American Revolution Hagist, Don N. 2014 NC Research Room 973.341 H145b 33091008399297
Selling Empire: India in the making of Britain and America 1600-1830 Eacott, Jonathan 2016 Adult Nonfiction 973.1 E11s 3.3091E+13
Camden 1780: the annihilation of Gates' grand army Smith, David 2016 NC Research Room 973.336 S642c 3.3091E+13
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