On Display: Handmade for the Holidays

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Title Author (last, first) Publication Year Shelving Location Full Call Number Barcode
Jewelry making for the beginning craftsman Pack, Greta 1957 Adult Nonfiction 739.27 P119 33091000904482
Whittling & wood carving Hoppe, Heinrich 1969 Adult Nonfiction 731.462 H798w 33091001427939
Creative paper crafts in color Alkema, Chester Jay 1967 Adult Nonfiction 745.54 A415c 33091001764232
Origami for Christmas Araki, Chiyo 1983 Adult Nonfiction Oversize 736.982 A659o 33091002070910
The colonial dollhouse: how to make your own early American dollhouse with colonial furniture and accessories for under $50 Jellison, Phyllis Gift 1977 Adult Nonfiction 745.5923 J48c 33091001875798
Paper flowers Janitch, Valerie 1976 Adult Nonfiction 745.5943 J33p 33091000656447
Patchwork for beginners Green, Sylvia 1971 Adult Nonfiction 746.46 G798p 33091001781822
Pine cone crafts Terrell, Freida M. 1984 State Government Documents A75 34:279-4 1984 33091007929037
Fun with baskets Fellman, Barbara C. 1975 Adult Nonfiction 745.59 F319f 33091001066885
Candle-making 1968 Adult Nonfiction 745.59 S924c 33091001159870
Tincraft for Christmas Sargent, Lucy 1969 Adult Nonfiction 739.532 S245t 33091002099752
Pressed flower collages, and other ideas McDowall, Pamela 1971 Adult Nonfiction 745.928 M138pr 33091002314821
Anyone can paint -- I promise! Garden, Robert H. 1976 Adult Nonfiction 751.45 G218a 33091002478998
Macrame creative knotting, braiding, twisting: threads, cords, yarns Pesch, Imelda Manalo 1970 Adult Nonfiction 746.4 P473m 33091001329473
Making mosaics Arvois, Edmond 1964 Adult Nonfiction 751.48 A795m 33091001818897
The bead book: sewing and weaving with beads Erlandsen, Ida-Merete 1974 Adult Nonfiction 746.5 E69b 33091001352103
Miniatures: how to make them, use them, sell them 1976 Adult Nonfiction 745.5923 M552m 33091000540617
Wreaths for all seasons Sherman, Steve 1986 Adult Nonfiction 745.926 S553w 33091001896950
Christmas lighting and decorating: outdoors and indoors Saros, Theodore A. 1954 Adult Nonfiction 745.5941 S246c 33091002521656
Button collecting and crafting Newsome, Arden J. 1976 Adult Nonfiction 745.5 N558b 33091001204551
Cardboard crafting how to make things out of cardboard Granit, Inga 1964 Adult Nonfiction 745.54 G759c 33091001834308
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