Topics Related to Webinar

Customer Service from Inside Out In this one-hour session, we’ll define internal customer service – what it is and who’s involved. Then we’ll brainstorm best practices to make sure our internal customer service is as good as it can be!
Assertiveness for the Unassertive - Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm In this webinar, we’ll discuss the differences between being assertive and aggressive, as well as the dangers of being passive.
The Art of Saying No to Customers In this fast-paced one-hour webinar program, we’ll help you determine when it’s appropriate to use that important little word. More importantly, you’ll learn how to say no in a way that maintains the loyalty you’ve worked so hard to earn.
Powered by Humor: Harry Golden’s Civil Rights Blogging (Before the Internet Existed) Join Kimberly Marlowe Hartnett, former daily newspaper journalist and author of Carolina Israelite: How Harry Golden Made Us Care about Jews, the South, and Civil Rights (UNC Press 2015, 2018, and Audible) for a recollection of Harry Golden’s lively life and influence, and thoughts on what his work tells us about influential writing and personal activism as we take on the challenges of our time. Please register for Powered by Humor: Harry Golden’s Civil Rights Blogging (Before the Internet Existed),
Inclusive leaders are committed to diversity and inclusion because these objectives align with their personal value and because they believe in their positive impact on the organization. In this session, we examine how leaders articulate authentic commitment to diversity, hold others accountable, and make diversity and inclusion a personal priority.
Introduction to Inclusive Leadership Outstanding leaders create a climate where people are engaged, feel valued, are fully included in decisions and processes, and actively contribute new ideas and ways of improvement. Inclusive leaders achieve these goals by celebrating and valuing differences, unveiling the limitless potential of each individual, and fostering multicultural collaboration. In this overview session, leaders will gain an enhanced understanding of the importance of inclusive leadership in organizations. Participants will understand the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to effectively lead global and diverse teams. This session also provides an overview of the series. These sessions will be live captioned. 
Little Hands Signing Professional Development: Hands-On Storytimes This presentation will cover the benefits of using basic American Sign Language with all children, and offer a variety of simple techniques for making your programs more fun, educational, and participative through the use of signs with audiences of all ages. Participants will leave armed with a vocabulary of very basic signs to start using right away.
Once a Decade:  Exploring the 1950 Census Release On April 1, 2022, the 1950 Census records will be released to the public by the National Archives. This presentation will take you back in time to explore how the 1950 Census was conducted as well as the content of the questionnaire and population statistics from that era. Resources for data users and genealogical researchers will also be provided. Join us for a chance to learn more about this historic release.
Join us for Part III of our “News You Can Use” series as we do a deep dive into two North Carolina newspaper collections, NewsBank and NewspaperARCHIVE. Building on Part I and Part II, we will explore strategies for using these subscription databases, accessible with an SLNC Government & Heritage Library card.
Learn how to seamlessly weave engaging rhymes, stories, songs, and activities representing the diverse experiences of people around the world into your storytimes, no matter what the theme! In this high-energy workshop, you’ll get lots of practical ideas you can apply to your programs right away. Program Details Date/Time: April 7, 2022, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm North Carolina youth services library staff are invited to register for Little Hands Signing Professional Development: Multicultural Storytime Magic,